ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2 Gerberau 44, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2

24 Bewertungen
  • Mittwoch09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00
  • Donnerstag09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00
  • Freitag09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00
  • Dienstag09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00

ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2 Gerberau 44, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

Uber das Geschaft

Willkommen auf | Wir informieren über Sprachschulen, Onlinesprachkurse und Sprachkurs-Apps. Darüber hinaus geben wir kostenlose Lerntipps und Lernhilfen rund um das Lernen einer Frendsprache.


Rufen Sie uns an
Gerberau 44, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau


  • Mittwoch09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00
  • Donnerstag09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00
  • Freitag09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00
  • Dienstag09:00–12:30, 13:30–18:00


  • Termin erforderlich

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Andrei Todea
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
Whether you are in a race against time or not, when you are learning German the team from Euer Sprachzentrum is the team that you want by your side. I actually see amazing progress every week and I do not feel as I was learning one of the hardest languages on planet Earth!
Solenne Fortin
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
Parmi les avantages de cette école :-École à taille humaine, cours en groupe réduit, flexibilité, chaque demande est étudiée au cas par cas.-Très bonne méthode axée sur la pratique de la langue orale par de nombreuses simulations, conversation, débats et jeux pendant les cours.-Nombreuses activités en dehors des cours proposées par l'école permettant à chacun de pratiquer la langue selon son niveau. Extrêmement utile et permettant par la même occasion de découvrir la région et passer un bon moment !Je suis actuellement des cours intensifs depuis 5 mois et j'ai le sentiment d'avoir énormément appris et je conseille vivement cette école à toute personne désireuse d'améliorer son allemand et vivre dans une ville dynamique et vivante telle que Freiburg.
Fara Fara
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
EU'er Sprach Zentrum - это приватная школа по изучению немецкого языка, где в течение восьми недель любой может освоить один из языковых уровеней (от А1 до С2). Находится она в центре Фрайбурга Altstadt". 5 дней в неделю по 3 часа в группе из 4-8 человек и ~15€ за урок - очень привлекательно!:)Фарид Исхаков. (Мой уровень А2
Eugenia Burleai
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
Euer Sprachzentrum veränderte meine Meinung über Deutschland und deutsche Mentalität. Sehr kompetente Lehrerin und ein gutes Team machten einen positiven und familiären Eindruck auf mich.Euer Sprachzentrum ist nicht nur eine Schule sondern auch eine Familie.
Tricky To Find
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
Earlier on this year I have taken a part in one of the intensive language courses in Euer Sprachzentrum and today I would like to share thoughts about my experience.Location and building,The school itself is conveniently located in the Old Town of Freiburg, the classes are nice and tidy.Accommodation:EZS provide some accommodation, usually near the school but not always. It's definitely an easy option for some - not very expensive, but you can find cheaper one if you look for it yourself.Price:No doubt greatly priced. But you get what you pay for.Teachers:Some of the teachers are up the task, they're trying to introduce some kind of interactivity to the class, but that's usually not enough. Most of the time they will follow the topics by the book, which at some stage is boring and you will feel like you can do it yourself at home. It falls in the routine of filling up exercises in the book. Not all the questions are answered or explained. If you are preparing for DaF or Goethe exam you will probably have to do some test preparations yourself, as there was not many opportunities to do in-class test.Bottom line:If you plan to visit Freiburg for a month or longer and learn SOME German and you are on a budget, then EZS is an option. But if you aim for solid preparation to the exams or really want to learn, then keep looking further - there are some other reasonably priced schools in Freiburg, even if you can't afford hefty prices in Goethe Institute.
Marcello Di Trocchio
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
​I wrote this review at the end of my experience in ESZ Freiburg, in August 2015.I'm not satisfacted at all of the services I've recieved from the ESZ school of lenguages in Freiburg.There are teachers nice and prepared (Margit and Theresa for example) but there is a structural problem that for me depends on the figure of the owner, Andreas.He's the opposite of kindness and patience, two qualities that are a must" for a good worker
Connor Edwards
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
In preparation for a semester in Heidelberg, I first visited family in Freiburg for a month. While there, I studied at ESZ, hoping to better my German before taking the DSH. During that month, I learned under Andreas in his C1 preparation course.One thing to understand about Andreas: he expects you to be a student. You must work hard to achieve, and he will work hard with you. If you do not put forth the effort, he will still try to encourage you, but he's not going to waste his time on a lazy person. Different cultures have different ideas of what work hard" means
Arash Rezaei
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
من 2 ماه اینجا آلمانی خوندمچون قیمتش مناسب بودو در ضمن سرپرست و مسئولاش خیلی منعطف بودندبرای مثال من چند بار زمان کلاس و حتی یک بار لول کلاس رو عوض کردمدر کل راضی بودم
Victor L
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
Andreas Biedermann
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2
Hello!This is my answer to tricky to find": All of our teachers are up to the task. The person who wrote this comment maybe does know only one teacher

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Gerberau 44, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
ESZ Euer Sprachzentrum 2