St. George's - The British International School Munich Heidemannstraße 182, 80939 München

St. George's - The British International School Munich

39 Bewertungen
  • Mittwoch08:00–17:00
  • Donnerstag08:00–17:00
  • Freitag08:00–17:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:00–17:00
  • Dienstag08:00–17:00

St. George's - The British International School Munich Heidemannstraße 182, 80939 München

Uber das Geschaft

St George's, Munich | St. George’s School Munich is a day school for pupils aged 2 - 18. The school was founded in 2013.


Rufen Sie uns an
Heidemannstraße 182, 80939 München


  • Mittwoch08:00–17:00
  • Donnerstag08:00–17:00
  • Freitag08:00–17:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:00–17:00
  • Dienstag08:00–17:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

Empfohlene Bewertungen

St. George's - The British International School Munich
its rly good the education is higher than all the german schools in munich i highly recommend this school this school does not tolerate any sort of illegal activity and will deal with problems imediately and the fee is very expensive but ask yoourself this? is money more important than your childs education? in this school you will leanr alot of good things like i said before i highly recomend this school
Negar Kiyavash
St. George's - The British International School Munich
Our son is attending this school and we love it. Excellent teachers and staff. Special shout out to Miss Loundras who is amazing. My son loves going to school everyday and even on the weekends asks why he cannot This is from a kid that we used to drag to school every morning and leave with much drama. Cannot say enough good things about these guys.
Jon Page
St. George's - The British International School Munich
We have just completed an unprecedented academic year with children in both primary and secondary. Having been at the school since it’s inception we have been on the total journey and it’s developed into a wonderful academic and social institution with family values which make it a creative, challenging, safe and a rewarding learning environment. The staff responded quickly to the Covid situation and provided ongoing learning in very challenging circumstances. I was really impressed with how quickly they responded to feedback and adapted lessons accordingly. I would be happy to recommend St George’s Munich.
Nessa E.2020
St. George's - The British International School Munich
I’m really glad that during this challenging year for all of us, my daughter attended St. George’s School. At the very beginning of the pandemic, the students could start online learning immediately; all the programs were running smoothly at a very high level and homeworks were checked the same day.When the kids came back to school in spring / summer and in autumn, all safety and hygiene precautions were respected at the highest level — a huge praise to the school, to its teachers and principals! Motivating kids and teaching stayed at the same high level; my daughter barely felt any changes. Our teachers really motivated and supported our kids. Similarity of a normal school day was preserved, while respecting all safety and hygienic precautions, maintaining a distance of 1.5 m and more, as well as small classes. We were particularly pleased about this.I would like express my huge gratitude to the highly professional school management and to all teachers! We completely trust our school; it takes into account most of our interests and suggestions.My daughter has been studying in this school for almost six years, and we’re still happy to have chosen St. George’s School. We are looking forward to continuing the classes in 2021!
Anna Ed
St. George's - The British International School Munich
Eine tolle Schule mit einer wunderbaren Atmosphäre!Meine Tochter besucht St. George´s School seit 4 Jahren. Das Lernen macht ihr dort viel Spaß, sie kommt oft voll neuer Ideen nach Hause. Sehr gut finde ich den fachübergreifenden Blockunterricht, wo ein Thema aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachtet wird und die Schüler dieses Thema auch künstlerisch, etwa in Form von kleinen Theaterstücken bearbeiten können. Hier werden regelmäßig alle Schüler der Klasse beteiligt.Das Angebot an Aktivitäten ist so breit, dass es manchmal schwer ist, sich für ein Club für das nächste Quartal zu entscheiden. Einfach großartig!Die Kids können unter guten Bedingungen ihre Stärken ausbauen und werden gefördert. Trotzdem haben sie nicht viele Hausaufgaben, da es sich um eine Ganztagsschule handelt.Die Schulleitung ist offen für Anregungen, Vorschläge und Kritik von Seiten der Eltern. Auch die Lehrer sind jederzeit offen für Fragen und Gespräche.Zusammenfassend sehe ich es als die tollste Entscheidung, die meine Tochter und ich je getroffen haben, diese Schule auszuwählen.Meine Tochter ist hier richtig glücklich und kommt entspannt nach Hause. Und das ist es, was für mich zählt.Ich kenne auch viele, die meine positive Meinung über unsere Schule teilen.Abschließend füge ich hinzu: Ich würde selbst zu dieser Schule gehen... :)
Markus Rob
St. George's - The British International School Munich
The best international school in Munich!We really enjoy being at St.George. Our both children are very happy and the results of learning are fantastic. The teachers are very helpful and take care of each individual child. Our both children (year 8 and 10) are very happy there. If there is any concern or issue, one can easily approach the teachers and get support. This is the best private school in Munich with very professional management.
yaron franz
St. George's - The British International School Munich
Good and carrying teachers. Some kids are very often hard to handle due to the above. Children coming from a harsh schooling system or neglected homes misunderstand kindness with weakness.
Harald van der Hoorn
St. George's - The British International School Munich
Not the best school in my opinion. My daughter attended the school and we decided it was better for her to finish the last term of the school year at another school. We encountered some issues at the school which we believe were not adequately addressed.
Uday Billawa
St. George's - The British International School Munich
A great school that lets the children explore aspects other than studies.. school is open for suggestions and has a very active parent teacher community.

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Heidemannstraße 182, 80939 München
St. George's - The British International School Munich