CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO Wörnbrunner Str. 23, 82031 Grünwald

CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO

13 Bewertungen
  • Mittwoch10:00–17:00
  • Donnerstag10:00–17:00
  • Freitag10:00–17:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag10:00–17:00
  • Dienstag10:00–17:00

CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO Wörnbrunner Str. 23, 82031 Grünwald

Uber das Geschaft

iFLY | foiling catamaran | superior flight attitude for maximum speed | iFLY15, the only foiling catamaran with FlySafe® dynamic flight control - high performance hydrofoil sailing by CEC Catamaran Europe Central


Rufen Sie uns an
Wörnbrunner Str. 23, 82031 Grünwald


  • Mittwoch10:00–17:00
  • Donnerstag10:00–17:00
  • Freitag10:00–17:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag10:00–17:00
  • Dienstag10:00–17:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Carlos Robles
CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO
What a piece of kit! Thanks Michael for letting me go for a sail in Miami. Was positively surprised with the level of detail and building quality of the whole package, especially the foils.Managed to get a 2 hour session without capsizes in 15 knots and chop. Stability foiling both upwind and downwind was surprising considering the sharp choppy conditions. Found that the design has a lot of power but it can efficiently be de-powered (thanks to efficient wing-sail set-up and rake differential)- allowing for sailors with a wide range of weights to be competitive.Betting this class will become a referent in the near future.Cheers
Frederic Moutard-Martin
CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO
Canet en Roussillon le 20 mai 2023 : la troisième fois était la bonne ... Hier vers 17h avec Denis et Stéphane nous mettons mon Ifly15 à l'eau. La météo n'est pas fameuse petite tramontane mais eau plate. Premiers essais de décollage la coque au vent décolle mais pas celle sous le vent ... Pourquoi ? Nous avons bien réglé les palpeurs selon les recommandations de Michael. En revanche tribord amure, après quelques fremissements puis premiers décollages on sent que ça vient. Nous rallongeons l'écoute de gv beaucoup trop courte au trapèze, je suis plus à l'aise ça marche mieux. Denis embarque à son tour, propriétaire d'un Spitfire c'est son premier essais du IFLY15 et d'un catamaran à foil. Très vite il commence à faire de magnifiques bords en vol, un premier flying gybe est presque réussi. Sur le Zodiac avec nos 25 cv nous n'arrivons plus à le suivre, d'autant plus que la mer commence à se former. Le vent forci une tramontane classique avec de bonnes rafales très variables en direction. Je reprend la barre et fait mes premiers vols, le Ifly15 15 très haut sur ses foils, pilotage assez fin pour garder le vol malgré les caprices du vent. Et ça continue de monter, quelques gouttes de pluie viennent compléter ce tableau de ciel bas et mençant gris ... Le Ifly15 accélére fort, les rafales sont directement converties en gain de vitesse, je descend au portant, la sensation est géniale les mouvements de la plate-forme sont très douxsensation d'être sur un tapis volant" . De temps en temps j'engage l'étrave perce vague mais elle reddort immédiatement et ça se fini toujours bien . Heureusement de sécu n'est pas loin : avec ces rafales de plus en plus fortes
Henrik Klagges
CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO
Hallo,ich habe seit September 2019 einen roten iFly15 mit dem Flügelsegel. Das Boot macht einen äußerst durchdachten und professionellen Eindruck, wie ein Kohlefaserrennwagen. Die ersten Testsegelfahrten waren sehr gut, umfangreichere Fahrten müssen auf die Nach-Corona-Zeit warten. Besonders viel verspreche ich mir von dem zusätzlichen Leichtwindsegel.Viel Erfolg!
Martin Thomson
CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO
It's a huge innovation in foiling boats. The flight control system allows you to concentrate on sailing. That is just great. The best foiling boat on the market: high performance, great quality and just fun.
Roy Ballentine
CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO
To fellow sailors who love the thrill of sailing with speed while maintaining control, this is a brief summary of my experience with the iFly 15 after sailing one for a year. I am just beginning my second season with the boat.BUY ONE! You will be glad you did. If you don't do it now, you will just be another year older, and have missed out on a whole year of fun, by the time you get around to buying one.The boat is all that CEC promises it to be, and more. It is very well-designed, easy to sail, and very durable. I went with the wing sail and the new foresail. I am very glad I did. The wing is very powerful, and in the event of capsize (which is a rare event due to excellent control) prevents the boat from turning turtle.The foresail extends the boat's range of foiling capability down to wind speeds of about 7 kts for a sailor weighing about 95 kilos. That adds a lot of days of foiling to my sailing season.The flight controls work perfectly. Flight is very stable. The controls are also every easy to adjust, although that should not be necessary since the boat arrives perfectly set up at the factory.Durability is excellent. My first time out I experienced a very hard hit on the tip of my starboard main foil when I hit something in shallow water near my launch area. I had visions of severe damage and a huge hole in the hull. To my surprise, there was no damage at all to the hull or the box for the dagger board. The dagger board box is designed to take a lot of punishment. The leading edge of the foil was damaged and the lower 15 cm of the dagger board had a crack on the leading edge. Upon close inspection, the damage was so slight that 30 min of work with some epoxy and carbon fiber was all it took to make things as good as new.Full disclosure: I am not associated in any way with CEC, and I am receiving no consideration from CEC for posting this review.

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Wörnbrunner Str. 23, 82031 Grünwald
CEC Catamarans GmbH - iFLY sail - iFLY15 - iFLY Razzor PRO