Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork Humboldtstraße 10, 33615 Bielefeld

Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork

14 Bewertungen

Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork Humboldtstraße 10, 33615 Bielefeld

Uber das Geschaft

Dani Schulze Niehoff | Guidance, Breathwork + Energy Healing. | Guiding you home within. Embrace your unique gifts and unlock your potential, through science based soul guidance with Dani Schulze - Niehoff.


Rufen Sie uns an
Humboldtstraße 10, 33615 Bielefeld



  • Bezeichnet sich als „von Frauen geführt“
  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • Termin erforderlich
  • Rollstuhlgerechte Sitzgelegenheiten
  • Rollstuhlgerechtes WC
  • LGBTQ+-freundlich
  • Sicherer Ort für Transgender
  • Unisex-Toilette

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Simran Kaur
Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork
Words cannot even express how grateful I am to Daniela; She has done a beyond enlightening job. Dani has taken me by the hand and has guided me back home to myself love and empowerment in less then I would have ever imagined. She has held me in a place of unconditional while helping me shed layers of conditioning, setting boundaries, facing my darkest fears and becoming the vulnerable being that I now AM. I cannot thank her enough! It has been the most rewarding journey one could ever walk. She will always hold a special place in my life!!!“Om Guruve Namaha”
Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork
Well, where do I start?! Dani is one of the most authentic and powerful healers that I have ever met. I just had my second coaching session with her and again, I feel so relieved of a lot of stress and tension that I was holding within my body. With her gentle guidance, I discovered some blockages and worked with my inner child. I was taken back to a specific time in my childhood, one I didn’t expect to visit but Dani helped to reveal that I had experienced some emotional trauma there.With the warm, grounding and loving space that Dani provides, I felt so safe to let go and let my emotions flow. I really feel like I did some important work during our session and I have now acquired some tools that will help me to stitch up the wounds from my past.I feel so empowered, light and inspired. I feel like I have cleared some fog and I am now breathing in that divine air! Dani is truly an open, clear channel for source and if you are looking for someone to help assist you on your journey, let it be her!
Tara Jackson
Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork
Dani is such a grounded, calming and powerful healer. She holds a beautiful space guiding you to connect with your inner wisdom and medicine. Just what I needed, thank you so much. ❤️
Lis Martins
Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork
Working with Dani has been deeply transformative. She is a compassionate and wise healer who has helped me to find my voice and tune into my intuition. At the end of each of our sessions I felt more empowered and grounded. Recently, she has guided me as I navigate a career change amidst these especially uncertain times we are living in. I am experiencing breakthroughs and progress in my career change that I know I would not have been able to achieve without her guidance. She is a gem and a gift to work with.
Natalie Sarah Sappelt
Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork
Dani ist eine ganz wundervolle Seele & ich habe mich von der ersten Sekunde an super geborgen gefühlt . Sie hat die wundervolle Gabe Dich on Point abzuholen & Zu begleiten. Ihre Breathwork Sessions sind einfach wundervoll & einzigartig , mit ganz viel Herz und Fingerspitzengefühl. Ich bin immer noch schwer begeistert von dem 4 wöchigen Breathwork Coaching . Diese Arbeit mit Dani war unglaublich bereichernd auf vielen Ebenen für mich, beruflich als auch privat. Wirklich eine von Herzen Empfehlung an jeden der gerne mal Breathwork oder das Breathwork Coaching machen möchte. Grade auch das Breathwork Coaching über 4 Wochen kann ich nur jedem yoga Teacher wärmstens empfehlen . Tausend dank liebe Dani . Namaste Natalie
Erika Pimentel
Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork
Daniela is very intuitive and professional, I love the breathing techniques and I am very curious to try them all! Although I had some extreme experiences before I met her, in my search for more information I found her and she had a very gentle and clear way of leading her practice and teaching her knowledge.
Jolanda Robins Rose
Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork
Dani helped change my life, become unstuck & get a clearer direction in life. Her coaching & somatic therapy has made me feel like a new woman ready to take on the world. Thank you Dani..!!

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Humboldtstraße 10, 33615 Bielefeld
Alchemist Coaching & Breathwork