Beethoven-Haus Bonn Bonngasse 22-24, 53111 Bonn

Beethoven-Haus Bonn

4039 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag10:00–18:00
  • Freitag10:00–18:00
  • Samstag10:00–18:00
  • Sonntag10:00–18:00
  • Montag10:00–18:00
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • Mittwoch10:00–18:00

Beethoven-Haus Bonn Bonngasse 22-24, 53111 Bonn

Uber das Geschaft

Beethoven-Haus Bonn | Das Beethoven-Haus in Bonn ist Gedächtnisstätte, Museum und Kulturinstitut mit vielfältigen Aufgaben. 1889 vom Verein Beethoven-Haus gegründet, verbinden sich hier die Person von Ludwig van Beethoven mit der Pflege seiner Musik und der Erforschung von Leben und Werk des Komponisten.


Rufen Sie uns an
Bonngasse 22-24, 53111 Bonn


  • Donnerstag10:00–18:00
  • Freitag10:00–18:00
  • Samstag10:00–18:00
  • Sonntag10:00–18:00
  • Montag10:00–18:00
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • Mittwoch10:00–18:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • Kinder­freundlich
  • Rollstuhlgerechtes WC
  • Restaurant
  • WC

Empfohlene Bewertungen

K Suresh
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Easy to miss while walking by. It was a house after all ;) And that too of a genius. The employees are helpful. I liked the walk through the courtyard. The audio guide can be downloaded through an app.
Tatiana M
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Such a beautifully preserved piece of history. A must see if you're in Bonn! The house Beethoven was born in and so many interesting facts about him and his family. I would love to go again and spend more time as I was on a time constraint. Well worth it. It's closed on Tuesdays. Plan accordingly
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
My friend just wanna visit it while i been in Bonn. It was easy just both tickets and we go straight away! They give u tablet with headphones or you can download app with all information and history. From outside it looks quite small but when you enter its a lot of space to explore! Really love it, enjoy the music while looking by the window in to the garden was my fav thing. All small details explained and much new things I found out! Totally worth it
Ammarah Masroor
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Visited it on a Saturday late afternoon, overall liked the place and was able to cover it in 75 mins. It's small with ground, first and second floor. The place offers you to see different potraits of Beethoven, some of his musical instruments, letters from his family and friends, and some hearing devices. To get more info about the exhibits you can download an app. The download did not work for me inside the Haus so I went to the ticket shop again to download it.Treasury area is only open from 11 till 14:00 or 15:00. Next to the Treasury you can go into the music room and relax there while listening to some of the famous compositions.You can buy the tickets from the ticket amd souvenir shop opposite to the house at a normal price for 12 euros and for students 7/7.5 euros.
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
A place I always yearning to visit! I can't describe the feeling you get when you look at the original instruments knowing they were once played by a great Master like Beethoven!
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
DEUTSCHE GESCHICHTE UND KULTURDer Ort muss wirklich besucht werden, da er das Leben Beethovens zeigt und erklärt, als er in seiner Kindheit aufwuchs. Es ist wunderbar. Übrigens bin ich Tag und Nacht gegangen. Ich liebe diesen Ort, und tatsächlich muss ich jedes Mal, wenn ich nach Bonn gehe, an diesem Haus vorbeigehen, weil es mir etwas Großartiges vermittelt. Aber ich gebe keine 5 Sterne, weil die Leute, die im Museum arbeiten, nicht sehr nett oder fröhlich sind.
Evgeny Wenger
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Ein besonderer und einzigartiger historischer Ort. Ein Muss für jeden Liebhaber der Musik von Beethoven im einzelnen und klassischer Musik im allgemeinen.
Jason Chung
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Definitely come to Beethoven's House if you are visiting Bonn, it is an amazing place that shows the life of the great composer, and how the barriers of losing his sense of hearing can still make wonderful works like his famous 5th and 9th symphony.
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Ein besonderer, historischer Ort. Der Besuch ist sehr zu empfehlen. Wenn man im Gebäude ist, merkt man, wie die Holzböden knarzen. Man merkt, wie niedrig die Zimmerdecken und die Türdurchgänge sind. Dies alles kann kein Foto oder Video vermitteln. Hervorragende Exponate. Dazu ein kleiner Garten mit Beethovenstatue. Der Eintritt mit dem Familienpreis lohnt sich schon bei zwei Erwachsenen und einem Kind.
Steven Bunner
Beethoven-Haus Bonn
Arrived at 11 am, and after having given in all our paperwork we used the app and started our tour. Lots of very interesting facts about Beethoven. The audio guide was excellent and easy to use. Headphones are recommended so not to disturb others around you. The layout of the house and its pieces were also very good. Highly recommended the visit and then off to the shop opposite. Two extra points. To speed up the process of entry. Fill out the Covid form before you leave. Also the house wasn't so busy so buying tickets at the shop were €1cheaper than online.

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Bonngasse 22-24, 53111 Bonn
Beethoven-Haus Bonn