brsg Keramik Andreasstraße 49, 10243 Berlin

brsg Keramik

78 Bewertungen
  • DonnerstagGeschlossen
  • Freitag17:30–19:30
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag17:00–21:00
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • MittwochGeschlossen

brsg Keramik Andreasstraße 49, 10243 Berlin

Uber das Geschaft

Pottery shaped in Berlin Studio-Gallery – Barsega Studio Gallery | A Studio devoted to exploration of locally sourced natural minerals and wood ashes. A space to be in touch with clay. A gallery to explore contemporary ceramics.


Rufen Sie uns an
Andreasstraße 49, 10243 Berlin


  • DonnerstagGeschlossen
  • Freitag17:30–19:30
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag17:00–21:00
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • MittwochGeschlossen


  • Bezeichnet sich als „von Frauen geführt“
  • LGBTQ+-freundlich
  • Sicherer Ort für Transgender
  • Unisex-Toilette

Empfohlene Bewertungen

PG Franz
brsg Keramik
Tolle Location, toller Kurs der in englischer Sprache abgehalten wird. Elizaveta erklärt es aber sicherlich auch für die/den ein oder andere/n in deutscher Sprache. Für mich hat es sich gelohnt diesen Kurs zu besuchen, um einen Einblick und Hintergrundwissen über das Töpfern zu bekommen. Ich werde diesen Kurs auf jeden Fall meinen Freunden weiter empfehlen. Danke Elizaveta^^
Alka Purushotham
brsg Keramik
Wonderful people in a wonderful environment. A shout-out to Elizaveta and Vivi for being amazing and positive. I enjoy being here and hoping to create more magic with you all. A shout out to other members of the studio for proper email responses and being that support to make things possible in the studio. Can't wait to be back here every month. ❤️ A much recommend place for pottery courses!!
Leila Abasova
brsg Keramik
It is 6 out of 5 stars. BEAUTIFUL, very well done and high quality creations of Elizaveta - this is one aspect. The other one is the overall experience I had - attention, support, consistent and reliable communication regarding the parcel delivery. Sending huge virtual hug - I am extremely happy with my purchase and two amazing extras I found in the package <3 Now I have my drinks not because I am thirsty but because I want to use the cups :)
Ricarda Müller-Wohne
brsg Keramik
Wundervolle Bowls erfreuen mich nun jeden Tag, während ich meinen Matcha genieße. (Auf dem Transport ging leider eine zu Bruch. Obwohl es nicht das Verschulden von Elizaveta war, hat sie ohne zu zögern eine weitere an mich verschickt.) Herzlichen Dank.
Gesa Heitmüller
brsg Keramik
Der Töpferworkshop, an dem ich unter der Leitung von Elizaveta teilgenommen habe, hat nicht nur Spaß gemacht, sondern war auch sehr lehrreich :) Zu Beginn wurde uns einiges über Töpferei in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen erklärt, woraufhin wir dann selbst töpfern konnten. Immer wieder gerne! und absolut empfehlenswert.
Nancy Saranti
brsg Keramik
I had the luck to work with Elizaveta this winter during an Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program. I've been her assistant and her trainee at the same time. I have to admit that it was a life time experience!!!! Elizaveta is more a creature than a human being. In a spiritual way, she can be the air, the fire and the ground at the same time. She is the air when she smoothly moves around, she is the fire when she sings (she has an incredible voice and a great taste in music), she is the ground when she works or teaches. She takes care of the atmosphere inside the room and she has always a hiden chocolate in her bag for the dull days. Elizaveta has also something that I really admire in a person. She is very loyal in her art. First of all, she respects the elements of the Earth and the origin of the raw materials. Secondly, she owns a deep knowledge about the art of the ceramics, the history, the techniques. Finally she has a unique ability to transfer this knowledge to her students like a fairy tale. She respects the clay, the person that holds the clay and the time that this person needs to connect with the clay. Every workshop was such a pleausure!!! I learned a lot working next to her. I actually managed to make some really cool pots withing a few days!!! Using both handcrafted technique and the wheel. That was really fast for a beginner! As I said...I really feel lucky meeting Elizaveta.There is some magic inside that russian girl!!! Really there is.
Chris Clifford
brsg Keramik
Great workshops & absolutely loving the Clay Salons! I did a ceramic and glazing workshop having not done much ceramic work at all and I love it. It’s been a great way to destress and not being particularly adept, the teachers have been a great asset in giving me ideas on methods and technique as well as expression and the beauty in the unexpected. I’d recommend this to anyone - super approachable, super friendly and there’s something for everyone at any level. They’re super accommodating and reasonable and always want you to come away having had a great experience.
Aisyah Tan
brsg Keramik
The studio is just by our child's kindergarten and with my family visiting for the first time in 8 years, I decided to drop by to enquire.The owner was so kind and thoughtful as I shared my idea to have my mother and child create a piece together as a souvenir during her visit.Wheelchair access for the future was considered for individuals with mobility difficulties, which would truly be wonderful for the community.We managed to have a session and Sam was just amazing with them. She guided them both on their pieces and the class we had were absolutely supportive too!The facility was clean and materials were plenty. Our instructor was very knowledgeable and very engaging. My child was kept interested and remain attentive throughout the session.Because of time constraint, we were unable to attend the glazing workshop but they managed to complete our project and had our pieces packed carefully as I was to shipped them overseas.The services from each staffs were just extraordinary!Once again, thank you very much for the wonderful experience. For ensuring that my mother and child, feel comfortable and enjoy the pottery session together.
anna lai
brsg Keramik
The natural glazing workshop was absolutely great. Elisaveta has so much knowledge which she shares generously and in a very easy to understand manner. Can only recommend it.
Vanessa Heitzler
brsg Keramik
Ich habe an dem Kurs natural glazing teilgenommen und würde diesen jederzeit weiter empfehlen. Eine gute Mischung aus Geschichte des Glasierens und einem praktischen/kreativen Teil. Eine eigene Glasur herzustellen hat total Spaß gemacht und mein Interesse mehr darüber zu lernen geweckt. Danke! :)

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Andreasstraße 49, 10243 Berlin
brsg Keramik