Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse Oskar-Meixner-Straße 6, 68163 Mannheim

Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse

93 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag09:30–15:30
  • Freitag09:30–13:30
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:30–15:30
  • Dienstag09:30–15:30
  • Mittwoch09:30–15:30

Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse Oskar-Meixner-Straße 6, 68163 Mannheim

Uber das Geschaft

Deutsch lernen in Mannheim | Goethe-Institut Mannheim | Deutschkurse und Deutschprüfungen in Mannheim für alle Niveaus. Deutsch lernen beim Marktführer. ✓Intensivkurse ✓Abendkurse ✓Onlinekurse


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Oskar-Meixner-Straße 6, 68163 Mannheim


  • Donnerstag09:30–15:30
  • Freitag09:30–13:30
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:30–15:30
  • Dienstag09:30–15:30
  • Mittwoch09:30–15:30


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz
  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • Onlinekurse

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Ron Kro
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
Nach zweiter A1 Prüfung für zweite Person kommen wir zum Ergebnis, dass das Goethe Institut in Bonn nur zwei Tage für die Auswertung brauchte. Zusendung wurde in Bonn ohne frankierten Umschlag trotzdem zugeschickt, in Mannheim geht es nicht. Deswegen müssen wir zwei Sterne abziehen.
Jonas Niemeyer
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
Nach 40 Minuten in der telefonischen Warteschlange während Öffnungszeiten wurde einfach aufgelegt. So lange kann meine Arbeitspause gar nicht sein, dass da mal jemand dran geht. Jetzt weiß ich auch, warum die Korrektur der Prüfungen so lange dauert, wenn es am Telefonservice bereits mangelt. Besser einen anderen Standort wählen als Mannheim!
Kenneth Lam
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
Just wanted to write a review here for people who were interested in learning German and were interested in this Goethe Institut.Class content and textbook. B1.2Litterally the first week was wasted. We had a mix of people that should have been in B2.1 and people that had no business even being in B1. We ended up reviewing things that were very basic for the entire week. When the it was the turn for the less versed German speakers to speak for some exercises, we ended up going through things all over again. For those that they class may have been too easy for, there was no b2 offering the month. While the class was later reorganized, i find this a huge was of my money and time.The textbook that we used, we used maybe 4 out if the 7 chapters.How things were taught.Things were presented and you were supposed to guess how it worked. For some this may work really well, however it left most of us very confused. The worst of all was when we had no idea what we were doing, the teacher would get visibly upset. Experieces will vary.What i a huge waste of time was the unnecessary discussions of opinions that occured, some younger students got into several arguements based on their personal experiences and anecdotes. Not to forget the teacher was often late a couple minutes arriving and took a couple minutes extra on breaks.I would like to add, my experiences with the Goethe Institut in Schwäbisch Hall were far better! And that these experiences may differ from institut to institut and depends on the person and teacher. Although in general, placement of the proper level would have saved some time.
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
Why no one takes any actions against such institute. I have been calling, emailing and no response at all. How come calling at work hour no one response? Worst customer service ever. I have always heard of the good quality of the Goethe-Institut, but so far it's not the case in Mannheim. I would urge someone to take legal action and avoid it whichever way possible. If I could I would give 0 ratings.
alessia corona
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
I booked an online course, and after realizing the low quality of the materials, I requested a refund to Goethe Mannheim (who is in charge of the online courses). For over a month, I tried to get in touch with them through several email addresses, telephone, their Facebook page, with no answer whatsoever. I finally got in touch with Verbraucherzentrale (Consumer Association), which suggested to send a last warning by registered mail in order to be able to move forward legally against them. Only after receiving that, I managed to get a feedback from them. I am astonished at the quality of the customer service. (The issue was solved meanwhile by getting in touch with the Berlin office.)
Tatyana Trukhanova
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
I was learning German language during 8 months in Goethe Institute Mannheim . From A1 level to B1 level. It was also Leben in Deutschland " (Orientirungskurs) included. Everything was very good organized
Christian Kozla
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
Interessant, dass es Leute geschafft haben, hier etwas zu lernen. Wie haben sie das nur gemacht, wo doch niemand ans Telefon geht? Das unerträglich einschläfernde Gedudel in der Warteschleife zeigt bereits, dass hier nur Beamte arbeiten, die für nichts zuständig sind. Deshalb sind sogar die bei Google angegebenen Öffnungszeiten falsch!
Tavie Starck
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
Nach einer sehr guten Erfahrung in London habe ich mich direkt bei Goethe Mannheim angemeldet. Leider ist die Qualität nicht gleich. Der Lehrer hat fast alles unter Kontrolle, keine Gruppenarbeit, kein Schreiben üben, nicht wirklich viel Zeit, um zu sprechen oder unsere eigene Meinung zu äußern, alles aus dem Lehrbuch. Vielleicht habe ich den Humor des Lehrers nicht verstanden, aber ein paar Mal, als ich die Fragen richtig beantwortet hatte, sagte er Dinge wie: Hat Ihnen Ihr deutscher Mann die Antwort gegeben?" und als ich meine Hausaufgaben gemacht habe. "Sie hatten zu viel Zeit ohne Arbeit?" Mit häufigen Kommentaren darüber
Yvonne Chuang
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse
it awful experience. .... Teacher quality have problem. Checking the time and thinking what to do for the left over time. Give you exercise with random thoughts, etc...? With such price??? But they do give you a certificate which proof that you are 100% attendance even we were not. FAKE!! Like the fake promise on teaching quality. After feedback to management , first they ignored, 2nd promised compensation, last denied everything and even telling me that he has professional teacher , if there is problem, it is our requirement problem. Speechless !!!! Time wasting choice. Better don’t chose it! Goethe in other country had much better quality control than in its own country Germany. Ironic ! Try other university language course or Mannheim have a lot other choice which is much cheaper and teacher quality are no difference. And management are much more approachable.

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Oskar-Meixner-Straße 6, 68163 Mannheim
Goethe-Institut Mannheim Sprachschule Deutschkurse