Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht Neckarauer Str. 106/116, 68163 Mannheim

Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht

23 Bewertungen

Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht Neckarauer Str. 106/116, 68163 Mannheim

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Neckarauer Str. 106/116, 68163 Mannheim



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Empfohlene Bewertungen

Angela Maria Garcia Lopez
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Mario ist sehr freundlich und professionell. Der Unterricht bei ihm ist sehr gut geplant, angenehm und überhaupt nicht langweilig. Seine Kurse sind sehr persönlich und sehr zu empfehlen.
Xiaoyu Ye
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Mario is an excellent teacher. He is patient, encouraging and passionate. I had taken several A1 courses in some institutions, but it’s Mario who taught me how to construct my own sentences efficiently and precisely. Mario takes good care of grammar and pronunciation, and integrates them very well in each exercise. As an experienced teacher, he really knows how to adjust his pace to student’s learning progress, so the course never makes me bored. As a beginner in German, I benefited a lot from the learning materials and the tricks that Mario provided to me. My interest in learning German is growing. I feel very lucky to have Mario as my German teacher.
Anna Pesta
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Mario is always well prepared to classes and adapts the style of working to the needs of the student. After having classes with various teachers, with all honesty I can admit that Mario is the best. Full professional, but also fun to work with. His extraordinary commitment increases my motivation! :) :) :)
Emmanuel Ruggiero
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Mario è stato un ottimo insegnante, sempre motivato, preparato e simpatico. Le lezioni non erano mai lunghe o pesanti. Mi ha aiutato moltissimo con la pronuncia con una serie di trucchetti da lui ideati. Consigliatissimo!Mario was an excellent teacher, always motivated, well prepared and nice. The lessons were never too long or boring. He helped me a lot with the german pronunciation with a series of italian tricks that he designed. Highly recommended!
Paolo Scarpitto
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Mario è un insegnante davvero bravo. La sua passione per le lingue è evidente ed è in grado di trasmetterla facilmente ai suoi studenti. Mario riesce sempre a mantenere alta l'attenzione dei suoi studenti, motivandoli e fornendo loro molto materiale di supporto. Con la sua esperienza è riuscito a creare materiale per le esigenze di tutti gli studenti. Mario si occupa della pronuncia, della coniugazione dei verbi e della costruzione delle frasi simulando dialoghi e stimolando lo studente a mettere in pratica quanto appreso immediatamente.Io ho iniziato a frequentare le sue lezioni ad Aprile e non avendo molto tempo durante la settimana a causa dei miei impegni di lavoro, Mario é stato molto paziente e bravo a trovare il metodo più efficace per il mio apprendimento. Le lezioni non sono mai noiose e Mario ha la capacità di renderle interessanti comprendendo quando è il momento di spingere o addirittura di fermarsi. Altamente raccomandato.Mario is a really good teacher. His passion for the languages is evident and He is able to pass it on easily to the students. Mario always manages to keep his students' attention high, motivating them and providing them with a lot of supporting material. With his experience he has managed to create material for the needs of all students. Mario takes great care of pronunciation, conjugation of verbs and sentence construction by simulating dialogues, stimulating the student to practice what learned immediately.I started attending his classes in April and not having much time during the week because of my work commitments, he was very good at finding the most effective method for my learning. Lessons are never boring and Mario has the ability to make them interesting by understanding when it's time to push or even stop. Highly recommended.
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Es macht großen Spaß, mit Mario am Unterricht teilzunehmen. Er hat einen guten Humor und ist ein toller Lehrer.
Edward Ocansey
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Mario is a wonderful teacher and has really helped me in learning German in such a short time. I highly recommend him as your teacher
Lucas Mello
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Mario is an amazing teacher. He is extremelly competent. His teaching skills allowed me to learn German in a very efficient and fast manner. He is patient, fun and commited. I strongly recommend Mario as a german teacher.
Christ Nove Catubig
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
English:Certainly a great decision to have my German course here. Mario is very helpful, kind, and understanding. But in terms of lessons and classes, he is very motivated to inspire you to study hard and learn the language well. In the courses I had with him, it felt to me like having a friend teaching me their native language and it really made learning German fun and very productive. All the best, Mario!Deutsch:Sicherlich eine gute Entscheidung, meinen Deutschkurs hier zu machen. Mario ist sehr hilfsbereit, freundlich und verständnisvoll. Was den Unterricht und die Klassen angeht, ist er sehr motiviert, dich zu inspirieren, hart zu lernen und die Sprache gut zu beherrschen. In den Kursen, die ich bei ihm hatte, hatte ich das Gefühl, einen Freund zu haben, der mir seine Muttersprache beibringt, und es hat wirklich Spaß gemacht, Deutsch zu lernen und sehr produktiv zu sein. Alles Gute, Mario! "
Thanigaivel raja
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht
Mario ist ein ausgezeichneter Lehrer. Er ist sehr erfahren darin, verschiedene Schüler auf verschiedenen Niveaus zu unterrichten. Er hat viele Tricks zu jedem Thema, die das Lernen einfach und bequem machen.Besonders hilft er in der Phonetik für eine gute Deutsch-Aussprache.Er gibt selbst erstellte Grammatik-Tabellen, die sehr nützlich zum Lesen und Auswendiglernen sind. Sehr empfehlenswert!

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Neckarauer Str. 106/116, 68163 Mannheim
Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Individueller Fernunterricht