Jump Bilingual Kindergarten Bergstraße 79, 10115 Berlin

Jump Bilingual Kindergarten

13 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag08:30–17:30
  • Freitag08:30–17:30
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:30–17:30
  • Dienstag08:30–17:30
  • Mittwoch08:30–17:30

Jump Bilingual Kindergarten Bergstraße 79, 10115 Berlin

Uber das Geschaft

Bilingual Kita | Jump Bilingual Kindergarten | Berlin | Bilingual Kita | Jump Bilingual Kindergarten | Berlin


Rufen Sie uns an
Bergstraße 79, 10115 Berlin


  • Donnerstag08:30–17:30
  • Freitag08:30–17:30
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:30–17:30
  • Dienstag08:30–17:30
  • Mittwoch08:30–17:30


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Sandra H.
Jump Bilingual Kindergarten
Keinerlei Beanstandungen - einfach alles Top!
Irina Burmova
Jump Bilingual Kindergarten
Grob und unfreundlich. Lieber für eine Weile keinen Kita Platz zu haben als dass mein Kind in der Jump Kita" leidet."
Tanja Swen
Jump Bilingual Kindergarten
Diese Kita war der schlechteste Kindergarten für mein Kind und mich. Die Gründerin war kompromisslos, intolerant und grob gegen mich und mein Kind. Ich empfehle die Kita Jump vermeiden.
Jump Bilingual Kindergarten
I had nightmares of the management after stopping working there. DONT WORKTHERE, DON'T BRING YOUR KIDS THERE. EVERYONE WILL SUFFER
Rotem Harel
Jump Bilingual Kindergarten
As a potential new parent in this Kita, these reviews have concerned me very much. I've spoken to various parents whose children are or were in the Kita, and have received nothing but praises about the staff.
gooni goo goo
Jump Bilingual Kindergarten
I worked very briefly with the founder of this kit and had to report , what I saw to be a bad ,and very aggressive and bully type of teaching environment to the jugendamt. I also noticed parents where pulling their kids out like crazy to the point only a few kids where left. it was the yelling at the kids and bully type of authoritative teaching making kids sit or get up or whatever they wanted to conform to the program...I saw this as upsetting and had to report my observation to the authorities. I would beware and take great caution..look around. and drop by un announced into the classrooms.

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Bergstraße 79, 10115 Berlin
Jump Bilingual Kindergarten