Klinikum Darmstadt Urologische Klinik Grafenstraße 9, 64283 Darmstadt

Klinikum Darmstadt Urologische Klinik

9 Bewertungen
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  • Sonntag24 Stunden geöffnet
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Klinikum Darmstadt Urologische Klinik Grafenstraße 9, 64283 Darmstadt

Uber das Geschaft

Urologische Klinik | Klinikum Darmstadt |


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Grafenstraße 9, 64283 Darmstadt


  • DonnerstagGeschlossen
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  • Sonntag24 Stunden geöffnet
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  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Anett Dreher
Klinikum Darmstadt Urologische Klinik
My brother is currently at this hospital.I live in Australia and am the only next of kin. He has Aspergers and depression and is hence not very communicative or social.Although having a power of attorney to get medical information, the hospital totally ignores my enquiries on every level. I even had to witness twice discussions between nurses and doctors about having no time to talk to me. An email to the head of urology goes so far unanswered.My brother had a kidney tumor removed and everthing seems to be a disaster. He is in pain, has allergic reactions to medication, had his lung punctured and has been told very little or might not be able to retain much information due to the circumstancesWill this institution only respond to his next of kin if he is deceased? Yes, sorry but I am stressed and on my way, although I thought I would be more helpful once he has been discharged from hospital.
Marcos DartVlog
Klinikum Darmstadt Urologische Klinik
Ich wurde Anfang April, durch einen Notfall in der Klinik operiert und war diese Woche zur Wundkontrolle dort. Man hatte sich verdammt schnell um mich gekümmert und alle waren total lieb. War alles super :)
Priya K
Klinikum Darmstadt Urologische Klinik
Hospitals shouldn't be rated, it's a service. I am still doing this so that if you are in an emergency this probably shouldn't be on top of your list..I went to emergency room at midnight and found no non German speaking staff.. if you are in a bad situation, communication in foreign language is impossible..I was consulted by a doctor who didn't speak any English and I don't want to believe that he really understood my issue. However he didn't prescribe me medicine..So, I am a patient who is barely able to deal with situations who rely on public transport. I am now to told go to a medical shop (1.8km away from the hospital) in the middle of the night and take medicine immediately..I really don't know how to explain this emergency service...I have been to the emergency rooms before (not in mid nights) and have never seen such service..Hope you don't have to go through such thing
Mark A
Klinikum Darmstadt Urologische Klinik
War dort wegen Nierensteinen. Absolut freundlicher Telefonempfang, absolut freundlicher Empfang vor Ort. Das beständige Team geht auch mit passendem Humor ran, man fühlt sich sicher und gut aufgehoben. Beratung top, es wird realistisch aufgeklärt, und letztendlich nichts empfohlen, was nicht nötig ist oder dem Patienten schaden würde.Keine Ahnung wie die anderen Abteilungen der Klinik sind; in der Urologie merkt man die schulischen Einflüsse. Gerne wieder wenn nötig (natürlich nicht gerne; Nierensteine sind unangenehm).

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Grafenstraße 9, 64283 Darmstadt
Klinikum Darmstadt Urologische Klinik