Munich Business School Elsenheimerstraße 61, 80687 München

Munich Business School

52 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag08:00–17:00
  • Freitag08:00–17:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:00–17:00
  • Dienstag08:00–17:00
  • Mittwoch08:00–17:00

Munich Business School Elsenheimerstraße 61, 80687 München

Uber das Geschaft

Munich Business School ✈️ Internationale Hochschule | ✓ Bachelor ✓ Master ✓ MBA ✓ DBA | Studieren Sie an einer der besten Wirtschaftshochschulen Europas. Jetzt informieren!


Rufen Sie uns an
Elsenheimerstraße 61, 80687 München


  • Donnerstag08:00–17:00
  • Freitag08:00–17:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:00–17:00
  • Dienstag08:00–17:00
  • Mittwoch08:00–17:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Filip Forcan
Munich Business School
For me, Munich Business School was a real game-changer. In addition to receiving a top-notch education that has advanced my profession, I also got the chance to become fully immersed in a lively and dynamic community of like-minded people from all over the world. From the curriculum to the extracurricular activities, the school's dedication to diversity and inclusion was clear, and I genuinely felt like I belonged in a caring and supportive community that wanted me to achieve. The school's location in Munich was also a major asset because it gave students plenty of chances to explore the city and take advantage of everything it had to offer. All in all, Munich Business School was a truly transformative experience that I will never forget.
Felix Ewald
Munich Business School
Ich liebe die Munich Business School!
Aleksandra Maksimovic
Munich Business School
Минхен Бусинесс Сцхоол (МБС) је приватна међународна пословна школа која се налази у Минхену ( Баварска , Немачка ). Минхенска пословна школа даје дипломе искључиво пословној администрацији . Нуди један дипломски програм Бацхелор , 4 дипломске студије (магистар и МБА ), диплому ДБА у сарадњи са Схеффиелд Халлам универзитетом, као и двостепене програме у сарадњи са бројним другим пословним школама широм света. Пословна школа у Минхену се налази међу највећим приватним пословним школама у Немачкој иу 25 најбољих група извођача у погледу међународне и студентске мобилности. [7]Садржај1 Историја2 Акредитација и рангирање3 студијски програми3.1 Бацхелор Интернатионал Бусинесс3.2 Мастер Интернатионал Бусинесс3.3 Мастер спорт и комуникација3.4 Мастер за пословну администрацију (МБА)3.5 доктор пословне администрације4 Партнер универзитета5 Значајни предавачи и алумни6 Студентских друштава7 Спољни линкови8 РеференцеПословна школа у Минхену основана је 1991. године у склопу Европског бизнис школства (ебси) под именом ЕБА Мунцхен" ( Еуропаисцхе Бетриебсвиртсцхафтс-Академие Мунцхен ). Постао је први државни акредитовани приватни универзитет у Баварској 1999. године. [8] Преименован је у "Муницх Бусинесс Сцхоол" 2003. [9] Пошто је стално проширио своје програме
Philipp Wohlfart
Munich Business School
Ich habe den Master Studiengang in Innovation & Entrepreneurship abgeschlossen und kann das Studienerlebnis definitiv weiterempfehlen. Drei Punkte, welche ich besonders hervorheben möchte, sind die internationale Ausrichtung, Netzwerkmöglichkeiten mit etablierten als auch aufstrebenden Arbeitgebern und die praxisnahen Studieninhalte und Projekte.Das Studium an der Munich Business School hat mir nicht nur den Grundstein für einen Job in einer innovativen Branche ermöglicht, sondern auch ein Netzwerk verschafft, welches ich wahrscheinlich mein ganzes Leben lang benötigen werde. Ich habe zusätzlich durch die vielen Praxisprojekte die Skills und Fähigkeiten erlernt, aus einer Idee ein Geschäftsmodell zu entwickeln. In diesem Studiengang lernt man nicht nur strategisch zu arbeiten, sondern auch Ideen umzusetzen durch das Bilden von Prototypen. Neben den fachlichen und inhaltlichen Aspekten ist die Studienatmosphäre super positiv, weshalb ich die Munich Business School mit gutem Gewissen weiterempfehlen kann.
Project Lost
Munich Business School
Gute erinnerungen an dieses college.
Alexander Liebetanz
Munich Business School
Ich war hier für ein Seminar/Workshop und habe durchweg positive Erfahrungen gemacht.
Shubhangi Romit Seth
Munich Business School
I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at MBS and got practical knowledge on a variety of areas because the majority of the sessions were interactive. I met people from other cultures and developed some wonderful friendships that I treasure to this day. The class size is rather small (possibly because I was in the first batch of students for the module MA IMBM), allowing you to be more engaged and involved.
giuseppe Liuzzo
Munich Business School
The MBS is a great choice for anyone who wants to study international business in Munich. I did the English track and I would recommend it. The classes are relatively small, allowing you to be more interactive with the content and ask your professors questions. This is something I personally valued heavily as it helps you progress through the lectures well. Most of the professors have jobs in their respective fields which makes their teaching more interesting, as they often link the content with how it is applied in the real world. Overall I would recommend the MBS if international business is the course you want to study.
Anna Abbelen
Munich Business School
I have been studying at Munich Business School for 4 semesters in the Master Sports Business and Communication. This year I graduate.The studies went super smooth and I always felt well supported by the university/lecturers. We have been a small class, which secures an intense learning experience and close exchange with the lecturers and fellow students.This made it possible to go fast trough the learning material and also give difficult topics more time.During covid the university directly switched into online learning, we all have bee introduced to the technique and it went super smooth.The learning material is offered in a really clear online virtual campus, the students have access to all the time.The course of studies in general was super practical oriented with many actual sports cases and cool interesting popular guest speakers.You feel like being part of a big family, even after your studies, and you can build up a huge network to so many interesting people/personalities.I am really glad, I have had the chance to study at MBS.
Luis Quiles
Munich Business School
I studied my first semester in MBS without a problem. Although, I was removed from the program because I was missing a document. They tried to contact me through the wrong email, another student’s email, and expected me to reply them. My class/year was really small (less than 30 students) and they couldn’t reach me personally, something that you could expect if you pay over 5.000 euros per semester. In addition, they gave me the “opportunity” to go back but I had to do the whole admission process from the beginning, have additional interviews with the examination officers and start over from day zero. As of today, I did not get any credits and owe my scholarship over $15.000.

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Elsenheimerstraße 61, 80687 München
Munich Business School