YuMe Postural Balance Bischofsweg 19, 60598 Frankfurt am Main

YuMe Postural Balance

8 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag07:00–09:00
  • Freitag07:00–21:00
  • Samstag07:00–14:00
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag07:00–21:00
  • Dienstag07:00–21:00
  • Mittwoch07:00–21:00

YuMe Postural Balance Bischofsweg 19, 60598 Frankfurt am Main

Uber das Geschaft

Yume Balance in Life – Posture Alignment – YuMe Balance |


Rufen Sie uns an
Bischofsweg 19, 60598 Frankfurt am Main


  • Donnerstag07:00–09:00
  • Freitag07:00–21:00
  • Samstag07:00–14:00
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag07:00–21:00
  • Dienstag07:00–21:00
  • Mittwoch07:00–21:00


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  • Mobile Zahlungen per NFC
  • WC

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Bradford Harris
YuMe Postural Balance
If you have chronic pain I highly recommend you come see Jackie. Not only will you find long lasting relief to your chronic pain, but Jackie will educate you as to why you have your pain so there is no more need to fear! She will give you the tools you need to become pain free and get you back to the life you were meant to live. She's very passionate for helping others and is a joy to be around. Don't wait, reach out to her now ! You won't regret it :)
Angela Stewart
YuMe Postural Balance
My name is Angela Stewart.I am a 53 year old wife and mother with a history of osteoarthritis and secondary complications due to the use of walking aids and attempts to avoid painful positions.When I met Jackie I had already done some work towards improving my situation, such as becoming vegetarian and eating nutritionally, drinking plenty of water and focusing on creating an alkaline environment for my body. However I was unable to correct my posture.Jackie gave me an initial assessment, measuring my usual standing position and then I was put through a series of exercises specifically designed to counteract my years of bad habits and alleviate the pain in my lower back.Jackie checked my progress regularly and was always available if I had a question that was outside of our appointment.I am now mindful of using muscles properly. I stand taller and have less back pain because of a correct stance.I work as a Makeup Artist and stand for the most part of the day and even after a very long day at work, I have noticed that my shoulders and back do not hurt the way they used to.Jackie’s Postural exercises is something everyone should do, as we all fall into bad habits and suffer pain because of it. Jackie is a great teacher and very patient, and I highly recommend working with her.
Martin Freitag
YuMe Postural Balance
With Jackie you can have wonderful exercises – a special set-up for your body (and mind) and the daytime. I had the chance to take part a few times, in groups and single sessions as well. My movement and body feeling is getting better and better … and it’s fun. Recommended!
Birgit Koerting
YuMe Postural Balance
Ich bin eine sehr aktive, normal sportliche Person - habe aber seit 30 Jahren einen Sitzjob und eine angeborene Kniefehlstellung, die zu Arthrose in beiden Knien geführt hat. Bei Belastung schwellen meine Knie an und schmerzen. Ansonsten habe ich keine nennenswerten Fehlstellungen....das weiss ich dank Jackies toller Postural Alignment Analyse. Das von ihr ausgearbeitete Programm unterstützt mich mit gezielten Übungen für meinen gesamten Körper und besonders für meine Knie! Toll finde ich das individuelle ganzheitliche Angebot, was genau auf meine persönliche Situation zugeschnitten ist. Jackie geht in jeder Session mit viel Empathie und KnowHow auf mich ein. Dafür bin ich ihr extrem dankbar. Menschen, die Schmerzen haben oder einfach mehr Balance im Leben haben wollen, können einfach ihren Körper bei YuMe sprechen lassen und werden nach kurzer Zeit feststellen, dass sie mehr Energie, weniger Schmerzen und damit mehr Lebensfreue haben!

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Bischofsweg 19, 60598 Frankfurt am Main
YuMe Postural Balance