ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen Alteburgstraße 150, 72762 Reutlingen

ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen

61 Bewertungen

ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen Alteburgstraße 150, 72762 Reutlingen

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Alteburgstraße 150, 72762 Reutlingen



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Empfohlene Bewertungen

Heiko Zluhan
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
Sehr schöne Schule Wege werden gerade neu gemacht und ein cooles neues Gebäude ist auch bald fertig
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
Eine der besten Business Schools in Deutschland!!!
Sven Modrow
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
Highly recommendable degree. Did the double-degree with Spain, met interesting people and received great education.
Sharvesh Kumar Sreetharan
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
Top business school. Highly recommend.
Alireza Salemi
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
Don't waste your life here and don't be fooled by the marketing lies of the school.The bachelor degree International Business (IB) is so generic that makes you specialist in nothing. You better study majors that give you more technical knowledge like accounting or data analysis instead.This school is for rich kids who are supposed to take over their dad's business. If your wanna learn something and get a job, forget about here.
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
Definitely the best University in the country. What can I say? I travelled all the way across the world to go to school here. Every single thing here is uncompromising quality toward education.Beautiful, modern campus with campus-wide steady internet. All interspaced with parks, quietly tacked-away benches and tablesThe classrooms are all ultra-modern, just like the teaching methods employed there. I honestly couldn't think of a better learning environment if I tried HARD.
Martin Schaefer
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
Leider ist von der Verwaltung niemand zu erreichen. Emails werden in Wochenfrist beantwortet. Mal sehen wie der Semesterstart abgeht.
A Wadh
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
This is one of the best MBA program in Germany and probably in the World for many aspects like, it's a Public school, it has great global accreditations, and provides the highest value for money to its students, plus this is just a 1-year program. It is also the most popular business school in Germany among the local people. Germany has good public school options providing high quality business educations for no or low fee, That is why any Private business program from Germany or UK/US for that matter appears relatively less attractive.
Peter Hofmann
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
Sozialkompetenz sollte Prüfungsfach werden; Ausbildung egoistischer Einzelkämpfer
Olaf Kunz
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen
If you want to have a great time and meet amazing people from all over the world, join ESB. I would do it again every time without second thoughts.

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Alteburgstraße 150, 72762 Reutlingen
ESB Business School - Hochschule Reutlingen