Maestro's KLUP - coaching & fencing Grevers Kolk 23, 46399 Bocholt

Maestro's KLUP - coaching & fencing

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  • Donnerstag16:30–18:30
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • MontagGeschlossen
  • Dienstag19:30–21:30
  • Mittwoch17:00–19:00

Maestro's KLUP - coaching & fencing Grevers Kolk 23, 46399 Bocholt

Uber das Geschaft

International Fencing Camp Bocholt | The International Fencing Camp Bocholt has been created and realized by the Dutch fencing master Rorik Janssen, only one year after the foundation of the first fencing club in the entire history of Bocholt. Rorik Janssen is former national coach for Epée and Foil, as well in Germany as in his homeland the Netherlands. The first #IFCB, the original and most multi-cultural in Germany, took place in August 2010. Since then almost 1.000 participants and 45 coaches from 35 worldwide nations visited the Camp in the City of Bocholt, nearby the border to the Netherlands. Maestro Stefano Bellomi joined the staff of fencing masters and coaches for the first time in 2015. For the fencing club Virtus Scherma Bologna he initiated 2021 a similar Camp in Lizzano in Belvedere in the italian region Emilia-Romagna. Together the two coaches and friends now offer a unique combination of both IFCB's


Rufen Sie uns an
Grevers Kolk 23, 46399 Bocholt


  • Donnerstag16:30–18:30
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • MontagGeschlossen
  • Dienstag19:30–21:30
  • Mittwoch17:00–19:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

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Grevers Kolk 23, 46399 Bocholt
Maestro's KLUP - coaching & fencing