Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin An Groß St. Martin 1, 50667 Köln

Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin

13 Bewertungen

Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin An Groß St. Martin 1, 50667 Köln

Uber das Geschaft

Kindertagesstätten Carikids Köln | Kita Groß St. Martin | Zur CariKids gGmbH gehören fünf Kitas in Köln. In unseren Kindertagesstätten wird ein buntes Miteinander gelebt - hier sind Kinder jeglicher Herkunft, Religion, mit und ohne Behinderung herzlich willkommen. Die CariKids gehört zur Caritas Köln.


Rufen Sie uns an
An Groß St. Martin 1, 50667 Köln



  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Sen Van
Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin
Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin
This is not the church, this is kindergarten by church
Rich Warych
Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin
Very old church in Cologne built on a 1st century Roman Chapel located near to the Rhine River and in the old town of Cologne. The church is free to enter so take a peek inside. The church itself was partially destroyed during the war and inside the church you can see pictures of how it looked after the war. The church is often overshadowed by the more grand Cologne Cathedral but the church itself is still a well known landmark in Cologne. If you have a couple of minutes to spare, I recommend visiting it.
Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin
Одна из основных достопримичательностей.
Marco De Carlo
Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin
Dopo il duomo, questa chiesa è obbligatoria visitarla. Nonostante sia molto semplice all'interno, essa è riuscita ad affascinarmi (forse perché sono capitato durante una liturgia)

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An Groß St. Martin 1, 50667 Köln
Kindertagesstätte Groß St. Martin