Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy Savignystraße 51, 45147 Essen

Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy

16 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag09:00–19:00
  • Freitag09:00–19:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–19:00
  • Dienstag09:00–19:00
  • Mittwoch09:00–19:00

Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy Savignystraße 51, 45147 Essen

Uber das Geschaft

Theodor Valentin Iliescu - Clinical hypnoTherapist |


Rufen Sie uns an
Savignystraße 51, 45147 Essen


  • Donnerstag09:00–19:00
  • Freitag09:00–19:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–19:00
  • Dienstag09:00–19:00
  • Mittwoch09:00–19:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechte Sitzgelegenheiten
  • Rollstuhlgerechtes WC
  • LGBTQ+-freundlich
  • Sicherer Ort für Transgender
  • Unisex-Toilette

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Alexandra Neumann
Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy
Teodor, ședința cu tine a fost exact asa cum mi-am imaginat ca o sa fie, extraordinară!Am venit la tine cu așteptări mari si nu mi le-ai înșelat.Lucrez mult cu mine si imi știu credințele limitative, deci ce mai era de descoperit erau lucruri fine, nuanțe, pe care nu le poate vedea orice, decât cineva sensibil si profesionist ca si tine.M-am simțit „luată in brațe și în siguranță in ședinta cu tine
Victor Bogdan
Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy
Ședința de TTR (Terapie Transformațională Rapidă) și acest proces este foarte util și directionat pe problema. Am putut să văd rădăcina mecanismelor mele defectuoase de apărare deprinse in copilărie și mi s-a deschis un orizont de oportunități alternative sănătoase chiar din timpul ședinței.Prin această Terapie Transformațională Rapidă am găsit cheia deblocării problemelor mele.Până în acest punct nu am cunoscut ceva care să le rezolve atât de repede și sesizabil într-un timp atât de scurt.Lucrurile au sens acum, nu am mai căzut în abis. Se întâmplă zilnic un proces creativ, nu mai stagnez.Recomand hipnoza pentru ca vine in ajutor atunci când ai ajuns cu toate mijloacele conștiente la un nivel de unde fără acest ghidaj nu stii ce sa mai faci ca să schimbi situația în care te afli.Dupa ședinta noastră imi doream din nou sa fiu in spațiul acela de conștientizare absolută.Ședința de coaching de la final a fost foarte importantă să închei acest ciclu.Simțeam ca aveam niște întrebări dar prin acest proces(de coaching cu el) mi-am dat seama că puterea și controlul este în mine. Am ințeles o parte din labirintul autosabotajului meu inconștient și cu ajutorul lui Theo am ajuns la ajung zilnic la sfârșitul zilei cu mult mai multa speranță și sens.Mi-aș dori pentru oricine care are nevoie, să simtă măcar 1 secunda din ceea ce simt eu acum, această libertate, pentru că dintre toate sentimentele, libertatea e cea mai caracteristică  pentru aceasta experiență revelatoare. Am început un drum de acceptare a condiției mele de adult, dincolo de adicții si minciuni, mă responsabilizez și învăț asumarea si reziliența.Căldura, profesionalismul și talentul de care a dat dovadă Theo de fiecare dată cand am lucrat cu el m-a facut mereu să găsesc susținerea și speranța pe care o căutam si sa ma întorc atunci când mă simt pregătit să mai urc o treaptă spre potențialul meu maxim ca ființă umană.sSunt profund recunoscător și bucur că exiști Theo, că ghidezi oamenii și îi ajuți să se regăsească!
Sarah Keane
Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy
“I did not have any expectations for hypnosis but I had elements of doubt. Especially how hypnosis is portrayed in media. The experience was super subtle, very calming, and relaxing.I have worked with other therapists in the past and I feel that there was some apprehension just because you have to open up yourself to somebody new. From the beginning, Theo created such a safe and warm environment for me. I felt at ease and had full trust in him.Something I love about him is that he is absolutely genuine and I feel that I am dealing with a real human because I felt he was super real and honest and that allowed me to bring up deep parts of myself and work on themI loved how RTT touches so many aspects that I would have otherwise had to individually source out in the past. Whether is visualisation, using your breath, or using your body to anchor certain emotions. And RTT hit all the sports for me because it incorporates all of that in 1 to 2 hours.Immediately after the session, I felt amazing, super at peace. And deeply supported. Theo was there every step of the way. I was really on cloud nine. It felt like everything would work out.With the recording that Theodor made me, the more I listened to it the more I felt that my body was trained to respond positively. Every time I listen to it my body just opened up.When you are in a difficult situation you can’t really imagine how it is going to get any better or whether this therapy will work or not for you. And Theo calls this a Journey and it is exactly that, a month has passed and the change is so subtle but at the time massive. You expect fireworks but in my case, I realised that I no longer feel anxious, I no longer procrastinate, and I no longer am afraid of putting myself forward for things.The final Coaching was amazing. I was super grateful for it. I did not know that I would need it or was necessary but it keeps you on track when you try to create positive change in your life.”If you asked me today to choose to go back to how I was feeling before the session with Theo, I wouldn’t! But maybe I would not hesitate at all and go at full speed.What I would say to anyone who struggles, JUST DO IT! Theo has an incredibly tranquil nature that is contagious. You will love it."
Alexandra Popescu
Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy
O experiențã greu de cuprins în cuvinte.O experiențã pe care pe care o recomand de cate ori am ocazia.Autocunoaşterea nu este un proces facil de mult ori, dar cu ajutorul lui Theodor si a felului incare îşi conduce sesiunile am simțit protecţia şi confortul de care aveam nevoie pentru a regasi echilibrul interior.Iți multumesc!
Griet Onsea
Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy
Theo made me feel very safe during the session which allowed me to open up and be vulnerable in his presence. In his calm and soothing voice, he asked the right questions and summarised perfectly what came up, resulting in the unlocking of some hidden truths, discovering long lost memories and formulating aha-moments relating to my smoking habit. It has been an incredible experience which has left me in awe and trusting the process of change that has begun now.Thank you Theo, you rock!"
Tamas Vizi
Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy
Working with Theodor was really helpful for me. I've been fighting weed addiction and after 12 years of daily consumption I'm finally clean and haven't smoked for over a year at this point. The best thing about it is that therapy was so efficient that I don't have to put in effort to resist temptation, I simply don't need it anymore, which is wonderful.I worked with Theodor also because I had issues with anxiety. Frequently I had intense anxious episodes which made my life quite difficult in social settings. Today I'm almost completly anxiety free and it's due to therapy with Theodor, for which I'm forever grateful! It's made my life much easier to live, helped me with general confidence issues (as I struggled previously with many simple social interactions) and helped me understand my reactions and how to manage them.Therapy can be life changing and I encourage everyone who is considering it to try, and one of the best with whom you can do it is Theodor.
Heidi M
Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy
“It was a huge privilege to have an RTT session with Theo. From the get-go, it was clear that Theo has immense insight into the human mind. He showed effortless compassion and understanding for my presenting problem and with a keen eye determined which RTT tools to use during my session. He helped me identify the beliefs I had formed, like a true detective. And he helped me reframe those beliefs effortlessly.I felt safe under his guidance, in part because of his wonderful people skills and in part because of him being extremely knowledgeable & clearly passionate about helping me.During my session, I could feel the shifts taking place, and with listening to the bespoke audio recording Theo made me in the weeks following, I could clearly feel my ‘new life’ taking shape.Theo is a natural therapist and an inspiration. I can highly recommend his services as RTT therapist.Heidi MollentzeActress, Voice Artist, Motivational Speaker, Hypnotherapist, Life & Wellness Coach

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Savignystraße 51, 45147 Essen
Theodor V. Iliescu HypnoTherapy