Liora Bels

Liora Bels

18 Bewertungen

Liora Bels

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Empfohlene Bewertungen

Valentina Pieracci
Liora Bels
My transformational journey with Liora started 2 years ago and since then she is supporting me constantly with love, patience, guidance and calm. She brought light on many issues I was facing. Liora has been guiding me via Zoom sessions towards a huge change of old patterns. How? By listening to my intuition and learning how to trust my inner voice. She has been providing me the tools I needed to listen and observe more carefully. We've had just one live session as I no longer live in Berlin, however the relationship we've built is so deep and sincere as we are in the same room all the time. I’m very proud of the awareness level I've reached thanks to Liora’s guidance. So grateful to have her in my life!
tala brewster
Liora Bels
I had the pleasure of working with Liora in a professional context while she was a lululemon ambassador. Liora facilitated talks and workshops with larger groups of people and never failed to inspire through her passion, courage, and willingness to share vulnerably about her own experiences.
tiala brown
Liora Bels
Speaking with Liora gives me an instant sense of calm. Her deep empathy and emotional intelligence give Liora the ability to connect on the deepest human level. My time spent with her has been a gift and I’m so grateful for her guidance and generosity. Liora is truly a guiding light.Tiala
Liora Bels
Liora‘s Women‘s Circles are inspiring, impactful, heart-opening and full of wisdom.Liora is a great story teller and creates a safe space through sharing her own vulnerability.Highly recommend for everyone who is seeking to dive deep for transformation and growth.
Helen Wembacher
Liora Bels
Liora sprüht vor Warmherzigkeit und positiver Energie. Sie ist inspirierend und reich an Erfahrungen, die sie auf einfühlsame Weise teilt. Auf professioneller Ebene bereichern, begleiten und erweitern ihre Coachings, die persönliche Reise der Teilnehmer.Ich kann jedem empfehlen einem Workshop oder einem Coaching bei Liora beizuwohnen. Für mich ist sie nicht „eine dieser Coaches“, sie ist authentisch und trifft ins Herz.
Senada Noll
Liora Bels
Es war eine spontane Entscheidung nach Berlin zum Women's Circle by Liora zu kommen.Es war eines meiner besten Entscheidungen seit langem.Das Women's Circle mit Liora und drei weitere wundervolle Frauen warzielgenau,empathisch,motivierend,herzlich und Professionel.Alle Fragestellungen wurden von Liora sehr genau beantwortet und sie ging auf meine und die Bedürfnisse der anderen Teilnehmer/innen ein.Liora forderte mich aus meinerComfort Zone nach außen zu blicken.Ich habe einiges erkannt und konnte sehr viel mitnehmen.Tausend Dank Dir liebe Liora
glucki gluck
Liora Bels
Ein Date mit mir selbst, eine Reise ins Unterbewusstsein, eine Begegnung mit 4 wunderbaren Frauen in der atemberaubenden Welt und Aura der weisen Lio Bels. Mit vielen neuen Anstößen, Eindrücken, mit voller Kraft und Hoffnung verlasse ich das womens circle! Danke aus tiefstem Herzem, Liora, you got my back and I got yours ❤️
Tom Heinrich
Liora Bels
My educational journey with Liora began ~1.5 years ago and since then we have been working on my understanding of our environment. She constantly supports me sensitively, understandingly with patience, guidance and clarity. She has shed light on many challenges I have faced and has been able to help with her own experience from her own lifetime experiences. You always feel understood and encouraged to do deep work on yourself.Subconsciously you also help your own environment this way.Great experience, would always recommend to work with her.

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Liora Bels