Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen Mühlenkamp 6, 22303 Hamburg

Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen

13 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag09:00–18:00
  • Freitag09:00–18:00
  • Samstag09:00–15:30
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–18:00
  • Dienstag09:00–18:00
  • Mittwoch09:00–18:00

Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen Mühlenkamp 6, 22303 Hamburg

Uber das Geschaft

Ganzheitliches Coaching - Nila Conzen | Ganzheitliches Coaching für Veränderung und Selbstverwirklichung. Du hast es verdient ein glückliches, gesundes und erfülltes Leben zu leben!



  • Donnerstag09:00–18:00
  • Freitag09:00–18:00
  • Samstag09:00–15:30
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–18:00
  • Dienstag09:00–18:00
  • Mittwoch09:00–18:00


  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • Onlinetermine

Empfohlene Bewertungen

July Westhale
Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen
Nila is a joyful gift to the world. Her work is intuitive, transformative, and resonant. My time with her truly changed the way I engage with the world, on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. She’s present, she’s thoughtful, and she’s wise— she has a tool for every situation. Not only does she provide robust support and guidance, she also models what joy and delight and self-regulation can truly look like. I recommend her as a coach and guide whole heartedly. You’ll never have been so happy to have taken time for yourself.
Elena Blankenburg
Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen
Nila ist eine wundervolle Begleitung, in allen Lebenslagen.Sie hat die Gabe, genau zur richtigen Zeit die richtigen Fragen zu stellen.Sie war an meiner Seite, um mit mir die Erfolge zu feiern, die ich sonst oft selbst übergangen wäre und sie war da, um mich zu Halten, wenn es mir nicht so gut ging.Sie schafft eine liebevolle Atmosphäre, in der man sich gut aufgehoben und in Sicherheit fühlt.Sie hat mir die Tools gezeigt, die ich brauche und mir den Raum gegeben, nach Innen zu schauen:Was brauche ich gerade? Und was kann ICH dafür tun?Nila ist einfach ein wundervoller Mensch und ich kann es kaum erwarten, auch in Zukunft mit ihr zusammenzuarbeiten.Liebe Nila, danke, dass du deine Gaben mit der Welt teilst.Deine Elena
Frederike vH
Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen
In den 24 Wochen, die ich bisher mit Nila zusammengearbeitet habe, konnte ich vor allem eine Sache für mich entdecken: neue Perspektiven. Eine andere Art und Weise, mich selbst, das Leben und den Moment wahrzunehmen als die, auf die ich es bisher getan habe und die mich so krank gemacht hat.Nila begleitet einen auf der eigenen Reise unglaublich herzlich, weise und geduldig. Man spürt zu jedem Zeitpunkt, egal ob am Montagmorgen, Freitagabend oder sogar an Weihnachten, dass sie ehrlich interessiert und passioniert ist.Ihre Art zu coachen ist einzigartig und auf so menschliche Art und Weise hilfreich. Sie schafft es, einen wirkliche zu erreichen und in den eigenen Tiefen abzuholen.Ich werde für immer für all das dankbar sein, was ich durch Nila lernen durfte.
Petra Lins
Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen
This was my first experience ever hiring someone as a business mentor and I took a lot of time in finding the right fit of someone who I could work with and trust to help me start and grow my own coaching business. Nila is unique because she starts by finding out more about who you are and what you truly want (you gotta dig deep!) with your business and how you want to help and support others.You could hire any coach to show you how to build scammy sales funnels or a click-bait type of business but Nila is different and completely opposite of that. Her approach implements her holistic coaching and psychology background, which teaches you how to grow an authentic and genuine business that has a solid foundation fully embodying who you are. She definitely shows you plenty of the tech/tools as well but her gift is the ability to help you understand how to build a sustainable business that will last.I love her vibe and personality so much, too! She has such a beautiful way of speaking to you in a calming way but also giving you the gentle push" (her words)
Marie Frizzi
Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen
Nila creates a safe space where experiences can be shared and met without judgment and with compassion and empathy. Her program is structured, precise and well conceived. Her knowledge and expertise are invaluable. I'm glad and thankful that I got the opportunity of working with her and coming into myself with her help. I recommend her program for everyone willing to take the path towards who they are and who are ready to learn about themselves along the way.
Dr. Michelle Chung
Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen
Working with Nila was an amazing experience! Nila was seminal to the start of our journey. She was very patient and knowledgeable, a calming presence. She made the process of learning design and the social media process much easier. We did not know where to begin! She took it step by step and made an overwhelming process, digestible. Her marketing sensibility and know-how was key. She helped us establish everything from introducing us to software and technology to make things easier, marketing freebies, creating email lists, and newsletters. Working with Nila was easy and enjoyable. She was encouraging and positive. I would recommend her with out hesitation!

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Mühlenkamp 6, 22303 Hamburg
Holistic Coaching & Mentoring | Nila Conzen