Kreisvolkshochschule Nordwestmecklenburg Badstaven 20, 23966 Wismar

Kreisvolkshochschule Nordwestmecklenburg

12 Bewertungen

Kreisvolkshochschule Nordwestmecklenburg Badstaven 20, 23966 Wismar

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Badstaven 20, 23966 Wismar



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Empfohlene Bewertungen

Angelika A
Kreisvolkshochschule Nordwestmecklenburg
professionelles Training in einer freundlichen Atmosphäre mit sehr guten Lehrern unter der Leitung eines hervorragenden Direktors
Katrin Lingk
Kreisvolkshochschule Nordwestmecklenburg
Zu wenig Parkmöglichkeiten
Анастасия Прилепская
Kreisvolkshochschule Nordwestmecklenburg
I would like to thank Volkhochschule in Wismar for their help and understanding. Some of us were willing to have a German intensive course during our semester break. That time there was no offer in VHS, we asked them to arrange the course, they easily agreed with one condition - to have 10 students.We had an intensive course for 3 weeks, 20 hours per week and two teachers were teaching us: Frau Maronde and Herr Cordes. They both have very different approach which was a perfect combination. We all are very thankful to the whole team of VHS: finance department, director, techers and especially Juliane Schirmann, who was our coordinator and the first contact person. It was a pleasant cooperation and an efficient course.  Ask what you need and VHS will help you with learning.

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Badstaven 20, 23966 Wismar
Kreisvolkshochschule Nordwestmecklenburg