Metropolitan International School Viernheim Walter-Gropius-Allee 3, 68519 Viernheim

Metropolitan International School Viernheim

36 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag07:30–18:00
  • Freitag07:30–18:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag07:30–18:00
  • Dienstag07:30–18:00
  • Mittwoch07:30–18:00

Metropolitan International School Viernheim Walter-Gropius-Allee 3, 68519 Viernheim

Uber das Geschaft

Metropolitan International School - Privatschule und Kindergarten | The Metropolitan International School (MIS) is a private, co-educational, full-time school located in the center of the Rhine-Neckar region (Viernheim, Mannheim and Heidelberg).


Rufen Sie uns an
Walter-Gropius-Allee 3, 68519 Viernheim


  • Donnerstag07:30–18:00
  • Freitag07:30–18:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag07:30–18:00
  • Dienstag07:30–18:00
  • Mittwoch07:30–18:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Juan Castro
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
Mannheim bisons say hi
Nathalie Baron
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
We are having my three kids in this school since two years and we have also been in Heidelberg and Mannheim for many years. Yes, the fees are a lot and we do struggle some times, but the school really has a lot to offer. Too bad the German tax system does not understand the importance of private investments into schools. We prefer to invest in our kids now then trying to fix" them after having made bad experiences at the early start of their lives. There is a very low bureaucracy and you can talk to teachers and managers any time. The classes are small enough and there are plenty of teachers who take great care of the kids. It is a truly international school without religious influence but still very high in ethics and global awareness. The management and the school strive for constant improvement. They teach children to be proactive
Rama Vidadala
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
My two kids are studying in MIS viernheim last 10 years. The elder son is in 10th grade and younger is 7th grade. My kids are very happy and the Cambridge exam results speaks everything. My kids received very good grades. The teachers are extremely very good and more friendly. The management always closely monitor the students and teachers and improve the infrastructure constantly. We love MIS.
Mélissa Véry
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
Ich (V.Moll) habe 2 Jahre an der MIS-Grundschule unterrichtet und bin schweren Herzens gegangen, um mich beruflich meinem Wohnort zu nähern. Was ich dort erlebt habe, sind äußerst interessante, motivierte, glückliche Schüler, unterstützende Eltern, ein tolles, engagiertes Lehrerteam und ein sehr gutes, zweisprachiges Grundkonzept. Ich werde die MIS weiterempfehlen und bin dankbar für die Erfahrungen, die ich dort gesammelt habe. Alles Gute weiterhin!
Melissa Thompson
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
Die KiTa und Grundschule der MIS Viernheim sind etwas besonderes und bieten den Schülern eine einzigartige Möglichkeit in einer englisch-sprachigen Umgebung die ersten Schritte in ihrem Lernleben in mehreren Sprachen zu machen. Das MIS Gymnasium kann ich allerdings nicht empfehlen und wir werden auch nach der 4.Klasse, wie viele andere, die MIS Viernheim verlassen.Wir sind keine “Expatriates”, sondern leben permanent in Deutschland, wo wir auch unser Geschäft haben. Mein Kind soll auch in Deutschland auf die Universität gehen. Amerika oder England können wir uns nicht leisten. Dafür wäre ein Abitur und gute Deutschkenntnisse von Vorteil. Obwohl die MIS sagt, sie sei bilingual/trilingual, bis auf die Fächer Deutsch und Sport (weil der jetzige Sportlehrer zufällig mal ein Deutscher ist), findet der Unterricht in der Realität ab Klasse 5 komplett auf Englisch statt. Mathematik, Erdkunde, Geschichte, Biologie, Physik, Chemie, Ethik usw - alles ist auf Englisch. Und Deutsch ist nur" Fremdsprache. Dies ist perfekt für die an der MIS angebotenen IGCSEs und A-Levels und daher für alle Ausländer
David Henderson
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
I worked at MIS for five years as a teacher. Over the period of this time I saw the school grow from a school of 30 students, to a school of over 150 students.My experience was a great experience and I found the school to have a family feel where you got to know the students and parents really well. The International experience of the school is what makes it something special. It still amazes me to think back at all of the different languages spoken by the children I taught and how they could easily switch between the languages. I taught with some amazing colleagues during this time and I really enjoyed the personalities that an international staff bring to a school. I had some wonderful experiences outside of the classroom with MIS and still remember some of the class trips that I took my students on!!I found the Directors of the school to be very friendly and loyal and once they realized that I was dedicated and passionate about MIS, they were also loyal and extremely helpful to me and my family.I left MIS to return to New Zealand, so my children could spend time with their Grandparents. If I was to return to Germany I would definitely want to work again at MIS. It was a satisfying and enjoyable job and a school where I would send my children.If you are thinking about whether MIS is the right place for you to work or for your children, don't just read the reviews, visit the school for yourself and experience the personal community that this school offers, which is unlike your typical German school.
Wendy Ogunsemore
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
Over 1 year ago we entered our 3 children (1 in Primary, 2 in Secondary) into The Metropolitan International School. Our family is familiar with both private and public schools, but this was our first experience at an international school.Since then we have become strongly convinced of the value of the international approach, both from an academic as well as a global perspective. Our children have received a strong education over the past year, and the work is both relevant and challenging for them.The environment was the biggest surprise. Students are kind, supportive and inclusive, and my children benefitted from having friends from different parts of the world. They help each other and challenge each other, and it made even the hard assignments more fun to approach. MIS is a community of students, as well as teachers and families, which work well together to support the growth of the children.While is was initially a big transition for my children to move to another country, and adjust to a new language, the driving point behind our children's success has been that they continued to enjoy learning and the MIS community.
Dave Braun
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
Ein großes Lob und Dankeschön von uns- seit unsere Kinder in Kindergarten und Preschool der MIS sind, entfalten sich beide sagenhaft. Dies ist auch ihrem Team zu verdanken, welches Kreativität und Motivation immer lebt. Weiter so!
Anika Edinger
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
For English scroll downIch habe an der Schule ein Praktikum für ein halbes Jahr gemacht und ich muss sagen ich bin begeistert. Das Konzept der Schule ist toll, die Kinder lernen viel und sie haben Spaß dabei! Es ist besonders schön die Entwicklung der Kinder zu sehen, was selbst in einem halben Jahr offensichtlich war. Außerdem ist das Arbeitsklima gut, die Kollegen sind sehr nett und die Kinder lieben ihre “teachers“. Ich kann die Schule nur weiterempfehlen!I was an intern for half a year and I have to say that I love this school. The concept is great, the children learn a lot and most importantly: they enjoy learning! It's especially great to see the development of the children, which you can see even in just half a year. The working atmosphere is good, the colleagues are very nice and the children love their teachers. I can only recommend the school!
malware me
Metropolitan International School Viernheim
Hohensachsen, ein Fahrer der absolut keine Ahnung hat wie man Auto fährt will mir die Vorfahrt nehmen, als ich es nicht zulasse beleidigt er mich mit schlechtem deutsch. Weiter so.

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Walter-Gropius-Allee 3, 68519 Viernheim
Metropolitan International School Viernheim