PILATES12 Steinsdorfstraße 12, 80538 München


7 Bewertungen

PILATES12 Steinsdorfstraße 12, 80538 München

Uber das Geschaft

Pilates 12 | Sabine Hasenbeck | Pilates Studio München | Individuell auf deine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt, gibt Pilates-Trainerin Sabine Hasenbeck persönliche Kurse nach einem ganzheitlichen Trainingskonzept.


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Steinsdorfstraße 12, 80538 München



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Empfohlene Bewertungen

Dina Y
Sabine is the best Pilates trainer I’ve ever come across and I’ve been doing Pilates for many years in NY California Paris and Dubai and yet I’ve never found another trainer as good as her. I’ve made so much progress with her, my body has never been as strong as when I trained with Sabine. Unfortunately I no longer live in Munich and I miss my regular sessions. But if you have the opportunity to take Pilates with Sabine I wholeheartedly recommend her. She is a rare find. She makes it fun and rigorous all at once even for someone like me who wasn’t very advanced in the discipline.
Philipp Encz
Die beste Trainerin, die ich je hatte - ohne Frage. Selbst das Gruppentraining" auf dem Reformer fühlt sich an wie Personal Training
Miranda Hochberg
Sabine is the best Pilates teacher that I've come across. Has helped me overcome many injuries over the years and build the core muscles to prevent more! With small classes, she gives everyone the attention they need to do the practice that works best for them. And every class is different so it never gets boring. Can recommend 150%

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Steinsdorfstraße 12, 80538 München