Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen Zum Dubben 1, 21147 Hamburg

Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen

37 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag19:00–20:45
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • Sonntag10:30–12:15, 14:00–15:45
  • MontagGeschlossen
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • Mittwoch19:00–20:45

Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen Zum Dubben 1, 21147 Hamburg

Uber das Geschaft

Jehovah’s Witnesses—Official Website: jw.org | English | Jehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. It describes our beliefs and organization.


Rufen Sie uns an
Zum Dubben 1, 21147 Hamburg


  • Donnerstag19:00–20:45
  • FreitagGeschlossen
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • Sonntag10:30–12:15, 14:00–15:45
  • MontagGeschlossen
  • DienstagGeschlossen
  • Mittwoch19:00–20:45


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

Empfohlene Bewertungen

rom4ik rom4ik
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
Sehr freundlich Versammlung und die Vorträge sind sehr interessant
Isaac Lopez
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
Kein platz besser
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
Goofy Ort
Jarek Gajewski
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
Sehr nette Gemeinde, schöner Eingang, viele Parkplätze
Jens jimmi Door
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
sehr gute Religion Gruppe die zeigen was sie glauben und sehr gute Athmosphäre
Peter Müller
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
Unquestioning devotion to a charismatic leader: Jehovah's Witnesses display unwavering loyalty and obedience to the Watchtower Society's governing body, considering their teachings as absolute truth. Questioning said doctrine, even after changes occur, is not tolerated and can result in shunning.Isolation from friends, family, and the outside world: Jehovah's Witnesses discourage close associations with non-believers and may pressure members to limit contact or even sever ties with family and friends who are not part of the organization.Control and manipulation of thoughts and behaviors: The Watchtower Society exerts significant control over the thoughts and behaviors of Jehovah's Witnesses through strict rules and regulations. They dictate everything from clothing choices to social activities, discouraging independent thinking.Financial exploitation and demands for significant contributions: Jehovah's Witnesses are highly encouraged to donate regularly to the organization, and financial contributions are heavily emphasized.Loss of critical thinking and independent judgment: Questioning the teachings or doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses is discouraged and often labeled as a lack of faith or rebellion. Independent thought and dissenting opinions are not tolerated and can result in shunning.Deception and secrecy about the group's agenda: Some aspects of Jehovah's Witnesses' teachings and practices, particularly those concerning controversial doctrines or internal policies, may not be openly disclosed to the public or even to all members.Breakdown of personal autonomy and individuality: Jehovah's Witnesses are expected to conform to a strict set of beliefs, behaviors, and practices dictated by the organization. Personal autonomy and individual expression are discouraged in favor of group conformity.Fear tactics and intimidation to maintain control: Jehovah's Witnesses may instill fear in members by emphasizing the impending Armageddon" and the dire consequences of leaving or questioning the organization. Those who dissent risk losing their social support system and even their relationships with family and friends.Exploitation of vulnerabilities and targeting the vulnerable: Jehovah's Witnesses often target individuals who may be searching for purpose
M. Nicklas
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
Imposantes Gebäude.Hier wird wirklich das gelehrt, was in der Bibel steht.
Ирина Притула
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
Очень уютный зал и приятные люди. Это очень отличается от обычных церквей.Свидетели Иеговы просто объясняют сложные вопросы с помощью Библии.Десятин и сборов нет.
Andreas Dobstetter
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen
Sehr schön und schlicht alle sehr freundlich, und begrüßen einen persönlich. Sehr nette Leute

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Zum Dubben 1, 21147 Hamburg
Königreichssaal Jehovas Zeugen