Glockenturm Masendorf 29525 Uelzen

Glockenturm Masendorf

4 Bewertungen

Glockenturm Masendorf 29525 Uelzen

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Empfohlene Bewertungen

Richard Thiedemann
Glockenturm Masendorf
Thank you for this picture. My father was born and raised in Masendorf and moved to the US when he was 23. We would go back to visit my relatives there and my father had told us that at one time there was a church near the bell tower but that it had burned down several hundred years ago. Instead of rebuilding, everyone just started going to church in Molzen.Do you have a picture of the war memorial in Masendorf?
Maik Richter
Glockenturm Masendorf
Freistehender Glockenturm aus Holz, vermutlich im 15. Jahrhundert erbaut (laut dendrologischer Untersuchung).Von Oktober 2015 bis Februar 2016 wurde der Turm saniert.

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29525 Uelzen
Glockenturm Masendorf