Zoll Weil am Rhein Grenze, 79576 Basel, Schweiz


16 Bewertungen

Zoll Weil am Rhein Grenze, 79576 Basel, Schweiz

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Weil am Rhein Grenze, 79576 Basel, Schweiz



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khaskhoussi Hamsa
Hi People of the internet.Im writing a feedback of my personal experience with the swiss border.I was driving to Italy from Germany through swiserland to catch a ship we where 3 people driving in two cars and i was alone in my car.They stopped my cousin's first and since they cant speak German only a bit of English i decided to walk to them to see what the problem was, because they where checking the documents from the people before us without stopping them. They instructed my cousin's to park at the side, don't get me wrong i have nothing against that the police needs to do their job to keep the borders safe.But my issue started the moment i stepped out of the car.I parked and asked the officer for a permission to approach i told him they are my cousin's and i can help translate.I was told with a harsh aggravated voice to get back to my car. Im a very calm dude i didn't think much of it and got back to my car and waited for around half hour.With no information whatsoever.After around half an hour they came to me and asked me to follow them to an office like building. It was there we walked. They let me to my cousin's in a room and there i asked them what is wrong what took so long, they said that it was apparently a normal process. We where kept in that room for 3 hours and im not exaggerating 3 hours with a guard outside the door, he didn't explain a thing and didnt let us leave. After that they came in and asked for our phones. I didn't want to give them mine they insisted on it and made me feel uncomfortable and eventually i did give them the unlocked phone as they asked. At that moment i just wanted to leave and didn't want any trouble.They took the unlocked phones to another room (even came back once and asked me to unlock it again) i have no idea what they did with it, it took them long enough like around15 minutes not sure but they could have copied all my personal data or installed stuff on the phone...When they gave us the phones back i asked what is wrong why did it took so long.They told me the dogs smelled drugs on the car. This is ridiculous never done drugs for sure never transported them, i know who drives my car my cousin's where with me the whole last month in Germany there was no way for a maybe or a mistake. So i asked where the drugs at did they find any and why did it took so long (at that time around 4 hours has passed). Answer was there was no drugs but the smell was there that means i removed it...I still just want to get out of there in one piece and maybe still catch my ship it was getting late we didnt plan for this.Next thing they told us we need to do a dna test to confirm our identity. I was still calm and my cousin's too because they didn't have the German documents like me and they where tourists from a Tunisia a third world Muslim country. Our alternative was to stay there till locked the night for a lawyer the next day maybe? Or call a lawyer, i don't even know one and that seemed expensive, i was confused and didn't know what they can do that seemed illegal for me and thought beeing co-operative is better (its a weak mindset of mine i think many Europeans with an non European background have).We have been detained with locks on our hands on the back and transferred with a car, we drived for around 10 minutes.We got out to another office and waited for another hour, they took our salvia and drove us back to our cars and said goodbye.I think i was discriminated against. I or my cousin's didn't have drugs never had them on the car even if i did a search for drugs doesn't take 5 and a half hour. We had a brown skin and my cousin has a moderate beard.(We had all documents with us)Im writing this after 3 years because i couldn't forget it for some reason.being discriminated against is not new to me, but forcefully taking my phone and saliva was on another level.Maybe because i did nothing back there it is bothering me now.(I know i had the choice to miss my non refundable ship trip and call a lawyer for who knows how much. I still think that i was forced.)
Beat Husi
Sehr unfreundliches deutsches Personal.
Olli Berst
Telefonische Auskunft schnell und einwandfrei erklärt.Vor-Ort schneller und freundlicher Prozess. Merci.
Niclas Hopsi
18.03.22 Einreise in Richtung Schweiz unproblematisch und ohne Kontrollen.
Wahidullah Ismaili
خیلی عالی

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Weil am Rhein Grenze, 79576 Basel, Schweiz