International House Frankfurt Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36, 60325 Frankfurt am Main

International House Frankfurt

30 Bewertungen
  • Freitag09:00–19:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–19:00
  • Dienstag09:00–19:00
  • Mittwoch09:00–19:00
  • Donnerstag09:00–19:00

International House Frankfurt Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36, 60325 Frankfurt am Main

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Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36, 60325 Frankfurt am Main


  • Freitag09:00–19:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–19:00
  • Dienstag09:00–19:00
  • Mittwoch09:00–19:00
  • Donnerstag09:00–19:00


  • Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang
  • Rollstuhlgerechter Parkplatz

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Babak Rezvani
International House Frankfurt
Although this course was the most intensive thing I've ever done in my life, the super nice teachers and classmates made it much easier for me to proceed successfully. Our tutors, Guus, Sarah and Jackie, were always so helpful and supportive. Salam also made the best tea to keep us going. In general, I'm very satisfied with my experience at the International House and would definitely recommend it to anyone.
Vrinda Sandeep
International House Frankfurt
I just completed my CELTA and I couldn't be more thankful that I did it at IH Frankfurt. Not only is it conveniently placed in the center of town with excellent public transport connectivity, but the staff is amazing! With a course as intensive as the CELTA, you need tutors who support you and encourage you in equal measure. And Guus and Rebecca did exactly that. I've learnt a lot about teaching English no doubt, but I've also learnt a great deal more about working together and how to be a mentor through the example they set. And on days when the stress almost got us, Selam's energy and positive attitude would lift us up. All in all, a wonderful learning environment created by the wonderful staff.
Jeremy Hirsch
International House Frankfurt
I highly recommend doing the CELTA in Frankfurt. The instructors, Guus and Rebecca, were both extremely helpful and kept things fun throughout the month-long sprint.Through the program, I acquired tools to succeed as an educator. After the course, I felt confident that I could join the workforce of EFL teachers and hold my own.The center itself is easy to get to, comfortable, and calm. Credit to the manager Selam, who is a gem.
Lilit Jaghatspanyan
International House Frankfurt
I took the full time CELTA course in International House Frankfurt six months ago.The course was very challenging, but it has been the best investment of time and money that I've ever done. The tutors, Guus and Rebecca, are awesome! They were always supportive and I learned so much from them!And the whole staff of IH was just amazing.I am so happy that I had the opportunity to take my CELTA course in IH and I have already started teaching there:)Thanks Guus and Rebecca and the awesome staff of IH for this great experience!!!
Mairead Horgan
International House Frankfurt
I completed my CELTA course here in October 2019, and am so glad to have had such a wonderful experience. It was challenging but rewarding, and I would recommend IH Frankfurt in a heartbeat. Guus, Antony and Selam were fantastic, along with the other course attendees and students. Not to mention the very convenient location, which is in the heart of Frankfurt. If I could do it again, I would!
S Karesh
International House Frankfurt
I couldn’t be more thankful to have done my CELTA training here. Rebecca and Guus were incredible tutors, and I know I grew a lot in my teaching with their guidance and support. I highly recommend this center. The full-time program is absolutely intensive and challenging, but the experience and education you get as a result are directly proportional to that level of intensity. And of course a big thank you as well to Selam in the office. I’m not sure we’d have made it through without the heartfelt “good mornings” every day, the tea, and the encouragement throughout the weeks. All in all, a great place with great people, and an excellent location choice if you’re looking to get a CELTA.
Alina Burtan
International House Frankfurt
Lovely place with lovely people. Although the full-time CELTA training is both intensive and intense, it's well worth the effort, and the tutors here at IH Frankfurt are willing to help you get the most out of this challenging, life-changing experience. Wholeheartedly recommended!
Samantha Schlegel
International House Frankfurt
The location is great, easy to get to with nice classrooms. I did my CELTA training here, and had the most experienced tutors who made the whole experience the best it can be. The staff are lovely. I would recommend classes here and training here in a heartbeat.
Nina Hasheminejad
International House Frankfurt
I was advised by two friends to do the CELTA course. I took my time and did my research. It is true when they tell you that this course is very intense, but very enjoyable indeed. Guus, Rebecca and Denise were always ready to answer questions and happy to help. Guus's humour was very much needed and appreciated :D The location of IH Frankfurt is very ideal, the facilities are good, and the staff are super friendly.Thanks for putting up with us!
Caroline Harmsen
International House Frankfurt
katastrophale Erfahrung + nahe an BetrugIch kann von diesem Institut aufgrund seiner chaotischen Organisation und Kundenunfreundlichkeit nur abraten, nachdem ich eine sehr unangenehme und katastrophale Erfahrung gemacht habe:Ich hatte mich für zwei Wochen Bildungsurlaub in Frankfurt angemeldet und bereits den Vertrag unterschrieben, die Unterlagen an meinen Arbeitgeber weitergeleitet und mich für die Zeit arbeitsfrei stellen lassen. Drei Arbeitstage vor Beginn des Bildungsurlaubs rief mich die Sekretärin an und meinte, sie hätte sich leider geirrt: Das Dokument mit der Bestätigung der Zertifizierung sei falsch, da die Zertifizierung schon lange abgelaufen sei. Sie wollte mir noch eine Alternative anbieten, schrieb mir aber zwei Tage später, dass sie den Kurs stornieren müssten.Diese Mail las ich am Freitagmittag – einen Tag vor dem Beginn meines Urlaubs am Montag! Es gab für mich also keine Möglichkeit mehr, mir einen anderen Kursanbieter zu suchen. Besonders unprofessionell fand ich, dass das Institut mir keinen Ersatz zu einem günstigeren Preis anbot, die als eine Art Entschädigung hätte gelten können. Stattdessen hätte ich einen normalen Sprachkurs zum regulären Preis nehmen können, für den ich zwei Wochen meines sechswöchigen Urlaubs nehmen hätte müssen, den ich bereits anderweitig verplant habe.Es kann ja durchaus passieren, dass ein Kurs abgesagt werden muss. Aber noch nicht mal 48 Stunden vorher und ohne jegliches Angebot als Entschädigung finde ich alles andere als kundenorientiert. Bei einem anderen Anbieter ist mir beispielsweise ein kostenloser Onlinekurs angeboten worden.Ich kann also nur dazu raten, zu einem professionelleren Anbieter zu gehen und mich nicht auf die Aussagen – und leider auch schriftlichen Dokumente - der Sekretärin zu verlassen!

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Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
International House Frankfurt