Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim Wolframstraße 36, 70191 Stuttgart

Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim

32 Bewertungen
  • Mittwoch09:00–18:00
  • Donnerstag09:00–18:00
  • Freitag09:00–18:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–18:00
  • Dienstag09:00–18:00

Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim Wolframstraße 36, 70191 Stuttgart

Uber das Geschaft



Rufen Sie uns an
Wolframstraße 36, 70191 Stuttgart


  • Mittwoch09:00–18:00
  • Donnerstag09:00–18:00
  • Freitag09:00–18:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag09:00–18:00
  • Dienstag09:00–18:00


  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • Rollstuhlgerechte Sitzgelegenheiten
  • Rollstuhlgerechtes WC

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim
Nice living experience and also great services!Shortly after I moving in, I spilled milk in the fridge by accident, and it started to smell, at first I got confused and didn’t know what’s going on. I asked the service center for help, and they kindly replied me really fast, explained what happened and offered to help me clean the fridge. After that didn’t charge me anything as well.So far a very good living experience for me and I definitely will recommend you to try it out.
Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim
I just moved in few days ago, the only feeling I have is *Perfect!Super nice Nido team are always willing to help and the location of Nido Stuttgart is amazing!I really appreciate that I got the chance to live here ;)Highly recommend!
Camila Ostos
Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim
Nice building and fast moving. They give you all the necesaary documents and information. If any doubts or questions they are always willing to help.
Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim
In addition to the outstanding location and beautiful apartments, what really sets this place apart from others is the people factor. I had issues signing up and using the system due to my own fault. And nevertheless, the Manager always makes sure that we have a smooth experience and that our stay is as comfortable as possible and is always open to any concerns we have and resolves it in no time. All in all the friendly community here and the very professional staff makes the stay very enjoyable and relaxing.
Timothy Lane
Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim
I was randomly walking on the road and decided to ask if there are rooms available from the beginning of September and see how the place looks like. Filip gave me a tour of the place and explained everything in detail. The place is in a very central location and the management is very welcoming and friendly for a student dormitory.
Samuel Keller
Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim
Ein wirklich nettes Team, welches meine An- und Nachfragen immer sehr schnell bearbeitet hat. Danke dafür!
Sven Mauthe
Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim
Über NIDO kann man sich wirklich nicht beschweren.Habe während meiner Studienzeit nach einem Zimmer gesucht des in der Stadtmitte liegt und bin dann hierauf gestoßen.Die Zimmer sind modern und schön eingerichtet und alles ist auch echt sauber.Das Management ist auch wirklich sehr freundlich und hilft einem bei jeder Frage weiter. So freundlich habe ich sogar fast noch niemanden erlebt.
nico tanka
Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim
Die Leute dort sind super nett und die Atmosphäre ist richtig gut. Die Räume sehen genau so aus wie auf den Bildern. Kann ich auf jeden Fall empfehlen!

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Wolframstraße 36, 70191 Stuttgart
Home & Co Stuttgart Central - Studentenwohnheim